It is a good movie. Also the best piece of propaganda the libertarians ever made. Justice for Peck!
E: "buu...buttt he shut down the machine!", yes, that wasn't great but the shutdown was inevitable, they were running a onetime payment business model with permanent containment costs via the high power usage and rent of the building (and this is ignoring the need of multiple storage facilities, as this one was already getting full). He just sped up the process, but prob prevented an even larger outbreak as the ghostbusters (who are not great with money) would have eventually not been able to pay the powerbill. Prob taking out more than just one building.
I blame new york lack of bears, the natural enemy of libertarians.
spoiler for Ghostbusters Frozen empire.
E2: apparently it gets even worse in the later movies, as the ghosts can escape from the containment units, it didn't even work! (Eurgh, they brought back the containment unit explosion, undead IP).
I heard that one of Bidens good things is to put actually effect people on antitrust laws. Sadly I also heard that Harris is planning on putting somebody else on there.