'planes could not fly' is some sort of weird pro AI argument. It is the 'we are still early' or 'people were also against the internet when it still arrived' made famous by cryptocurrencies.
Yeah mentioned it does come up quite often, but rokos basilisk just is funnier.
E: flannyo (used to post in sneerclub) is in that thread and actually arguing with people and pushing back on the post a bit. Which isn't going super badly compared to if you tried something like that on themotte vs r/ssc.
Annoying that TWG is also doing the slimy thing which is so common in internet trolling nowadays. The text says 'im not a reliable source' the subtext (or well with this retweet, text) says 'make my post a reliable source and attack David'.
(What makes this even worse is that the weird far rightwingers from themotte see all leftwingers as behaving like this, and the, to them, super leftwing TWG is feeding into their stereotypes. Well done on feeding the far right propaganda machine).
Saw somebody on r/ssc go 'why do they always focus on roko's basilisk and never any of the more important things like Yuds lack of qualifications or academic rigor' and saw them also lol that we here apparently didn't want to spend the 2hs to read it (and well that woulds also require 4h+ to then respond about all the various weird inaccuracies). Which is was an amusing few posts. Yeah, we don't have the energy/desire to read all those posts, but neither do you as Yuds lack of qualifications etc comes up quite often.
a deficiency of tractors in the training data
Just one more dataset bro, i promise bro just one more dataset and it'll fix everything bro. bro just one more dataset
'Sorry no singularity, climate change is an existential threat after all'.
(I'm bitterly reminded of the SSC post where he starts with 'why don't we hear about the ozone layer anymore, well the scientists fixed it!' where he goes after the environmentalist movement. There is only one problem with the 'we fixed the ozone layer' thing. Butt wait, there is more!)
iirc he predicted the singularity somewhere in 2040 so it does make sense, even if it looks weird.
I think that might have been bad faith, but im not sure.
Only one problem with this, he will not mention he edited days after publishing it, so then people go 'sneer club is whining about X, but the article clearly says Y they are lying again!' so hope somebody made an archive of the initial post. Wait, I can just check that. People did so interested parties could diff it.
I love how on firefox you can ctrl+scrollwheel to make text larger or smaller and it persists on that site. (awful is at 140% for me)
That feels like a too perfect tweet, which I also couldn't find a direct link to. So I'm going to assume it was faked. Did find these prophetic words however, Xcancel