Boyo was mystified by the sheer volume of people in Japan who managed to navigate streets/crowded stations while hardly looking up from their phone - but probably because that was the first time in a while he'd been in a crowded place like that! It's wild to think about though. I feel bad playing PoGo while walking around!
Gripe of the day:
People using their phones while driving. Especially when they have their kids in the car. Like are you kidding me?
Positive of the day:
Looks like it’ll be a beautiful day! Hoping to get the paddleboard out again (although my knee is still very bruised) or at the very least have a swim!
That moment of “NOOOOO” when you accidentally open Duolingo after a couple of months. And yet, I feel too guilty to turn off the notifications – even though I pretty much have all notifications turned off on my phone!
Body is bruised and battered and burnt, but still managing to pull up for Sunday arvo dance party. Alfie is not a happy participant.
Went to Fratellis for a family dinner and it was okay. Serving was big enough that I've got tomorrow's food as well!
Oh no, I am sunburnt!! I put on plenty of sunscreen before we went out, gave it plenty of time to soak in, but we were out on the water for about 2 hours. Oddly, my face is not sunburnt, but I used a different sunscreen (Aus Cancer Council on my body, Japanese Aqua on my face). Still had a blast and I've managed to avoid the burn all season.
Took the paddleboards for their first spin this morning and oh my god it's love. We both fell many, many times are now rather exhausted, but the weather was so peaceful for it, the water was gorgeous and just had the most fun we could. Lots of laughter. Can't wait for more. Definitely need to work on our core strength though, wowzers.
One of the reasons I got rid of my mustang was because I felt so guilty any time I needed to use it outside of regular hours. It was fun to drive, but it was so obnoxiously loud.
Hammy!!! He deserves all of the premium eye fiillet!
I used to talk to the dog in a French accent. Totally made sense.
Wine is in the glass!
Me singing to the cat: "Alfie do ya want some wine? Ooh, no, you can't have it! Boyo do ya want some wine? You can have Alfie's! Alfie do ya want some wine? No cause you're a kitten."
... I haven't even had any wine yet.
I’ve got 2 episodes to go in the latest Kdrama that I’m watching (It’s Okay Not To Be Okay) and URGGG the temptation to just read what happens in them is really getting to me. I have no idea where the storyline is going to go and of course the last episode ended up with a big cliffhanger. It’s been an absolutely batshit ride - as a lot of Kdramas are, tbh, but this is a different level and I have no idea what they’re gonna pull in the last 2 episodes.