[-] Stampela@startrek.website 10 points 3 days ago

Some games don’t really use it in a meaningful way, others make it a key component of gameplay. Sometimes gimmicky, obviously. For example I tried Mario Galaxy on the Deck, there’s a puzzle that requires finding the right spot with the HD rumble. The Deck has the same kind of haptics, but it didn’t translate at all into something meaningful, so that one puzzle cannot be solved. Old school rumble is ok and nice, but modern devices (Steam Deck, Switch, PS5, something like last 10 years of iPhones, obviously the Steam Controller) have proper haptics and can really do weird things. Click on the trackpad of your Deck when it’s off. The click is faked with haptics, so there’s none when it’s off! Main problem is that both Microsoft and Nintendo are strikingly dumb, so Microsoft is still clinging to 30 year old tech with the classic rumble, and Nintendo has HD Rumble only on the real Switch… so developers can’t expect everything to have proper haptics, and fall back to rumble.


I’ll start: a naked guy complaining to his host that there’s less light than advertised.


As per the title, you can just Side Quest the apk, open it, do the login, connect a Bluetooth controller and enjoy. It’s just a big screen, but it’s nice. Also very, very easy to do! I remember when doing this for Stadia it required fiddling a little and, crucially as it was before the support for Bluetooth controllers, Stadia was the only option because the controller was WiFi lol.

As a bonus you could install a browser (here’s my pick https://vivaldi.com/android/ ) and in the future just download apk with that.

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 25 points 1 month ago

Wow, wtf? So far Sony’s been good to the Deck, and while I don’t mind the psn requirement (when it’s upfront!) this seems either dumb or somewhat of a slip up. Hopefully someone will fix this (either Sony with an update to lose the Windows dependencies, or Valve with Proton sorcery). It is after all in Sony’s best interests to not encourage people to use systems from their competitors, so supporting Linux would make sense…

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 23 points 2 months ago

AND they like to yellow at the speed of light. My brother got a nice, transparent cover for his phone “it’s going to look awful in a few months” and sure enough a few months later he had a different one precisely because of that.


You good folks produce so many memes that my phone now can recognize nearly the entire cast of all Star Trek…

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 22 points 6 months ago

I fully expected this to be about Janeway, but alas.

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 62 points 8 months ago

I hate this, it’s fun but I can’t share it with anyone because it requires knowledge of that episode

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 21 points 8 months ago

Kiss my shiny laminated ass!

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 36 points 9 months ago

Comments here are fun, seem a 3 way split between people thinking it’s GeForce Experience, game stream, and finally the actual cloud streaming service running your own Steam games.

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 25 points 9 months ago

What is the deal with those Borg? They want to "assimilate". Fine! Come to earth, we have centuries of tv to show you! See how they'll run away then...

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 27 points 9 months ago

I love Home assistant, but there's one major thing IMO that's missing and prevents me from really using it: user accounts. You can make accounts but they're mostly pointless as they all have access to everything and you can't restrict things.

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 43 points 10 months ago

Quark: "I call dibs on the abandoned ship!"

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 25 points 10 months ago

Best reply would've been "Indeed. My favorite character is Garibaldi, Nathan Fillion really nailed the role"

[-] Stampela@startrek.website 20 points 11 months ago

#2 in Italy, 4.8 stars.

Honestly the reviews are a mix of 5 stars from 4 years ago and a 1 star from last year that seems to like the app but not the people... there's a virtually uninterrupted 1 star streak for the last year, but those 5 stars are the "most helpful" and show up at the top.


As a noob this is likely me, but I tried to start a community on another server and I can't see the post (my other account used to make said community) made and set as english. Unless it's just me being a noob, that can't be good. A cursory look seems to confirm that I can't see anything aside from "Undetermined".

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joined 1 year ago