My request is dumb, the UI is glitching a little but hot damn 12 iterations per second! Impressive.
... I'll check later, but I do remember grabbing the "right one" as I had version 12, so this might very well be it.
Now knowing where to look, I did some fixing by myself! Main issue is that I had CUDA 10 and 12, no 11. Then after going insane about that tiny difference... I landed on something I lack the knowledge to decipher: "PyInstallerImportError: Failed to load dynlib/dll 'C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\TensorRT-\lib\nvinfer_plugin.dll'. Most likely this dynlib/dll was not found when the application was frozen."
All I can say is that the file is there.
So, feedback. To begin with, it works! That's a massive improvement and allowed me to actually try it. downloading works quite nicely and... the generation is kinda slow. Slower than my iPhone 13 pro with Draw Things, a minute give or take 10 seconds. Poor phone crunches the same model in 30 something seconds.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it works to begin with, it's also easy to setup, but there's a fair amount of performance left on the table. Now depending on how much work there's to do it might make sense to chase further performance, but that's something only you can decide :D
3060 here, it might be the vram. SDXL eats a lot of it (and if you had say the vae in the wrong spot it would output very wrong images) so it might be that either 8gb aren't enough, or maybe they aren't enough with the resolution of your screen plus whatever you are running, like the browser.
Or, OR: the checkpoint is corrupted. I had that happen a couple of times in the past and the whole huge error with loading of another model was what happened.
Really glad that could help! Since I've got your attention, I couldn't get TensorRT to work on Windows. At least 50% chance I didn't install it properly, BUT at the same time your gui was showing my 1650 instead of the 3060. After looking for some setting about Cuda devices and finding none I gave up. Generation times and usage pointed clearly at a normal 3060 task, even if the gui had the temperature for the 1650.
But anyway! One thing I'd like to ask is (now that there's a viable way to use it on my Mini) an option to allow other computers to access it, and better yet the API like in Automatic1111. Like that I could do some kind of LLM on the 3060 (I like Pygmalion 6b) and stable diffusion on the Mac.
All that aside, thanks for making a viable alternative to Draw Things. As much as I like it and the interface, choice is always good... and yours has the potential to be usable in remote :D
32... that's a sweet split of 16 for the vram and 16 for the ram. Supposing it works well it can completely fix any memory issues with any current games!
If it's just the net framework, installing proton tricks will be faster. Select the game, install software, net framework.
So, here's my findings. Easy install, portable enough (having to specify a bunch of folders and manually creating them could be better) at first sight the interface is nice. And that's really where I stop, because it took... what, I think it was over 5 minutes to initialize the first render? All to error out (gracefully! Kudos for that) because it was out of memory. I couldn't find anything else to close, so basically on the M2 with 8gb it won't run. It was 512x512 SD 1 model. works on all sorts of Apple devices, is free, and kept very updated... I mention it because it's fast (14 seconds 512x512 20 steps V1 on M2), can do SDXL and refiner even with 8gb (once, I doubt many will do it a second time, but a couple of minutes for 1024x1024 20 is still "doable"). I'll stick with that on Apple stuff :)
I had hopes to try it on the Steam Deck but I saw no mention of AMD at all. Still! I'm probably going to try the tensorRT stuff on Windows, my 3060 should do it and I don't know how to do it with Automatic1111 XD
Saving this for later, you got my attention with the combo of Mac and portable. Anything I can delete a single folder to get rid of in case I don't like it, is a great plus.
Depends. I have a good desktop gaming computer and a 4k monitor. DLSS makes the two work together nicely... and yet, sometimes I just want to play on the Deck. A big upside is how the entire system uses up to the same power as my gpu does at idle, and I don't have to add the heat generated by the monitor: brilliant way to keep the room temperature in check.
Being able to play anywhere I want (couch? why not) is a great motivator.
Not going to lie, I almost gave up a few times. But I can also be stubborn... anyway since this is apparently the first confirmation it works, it's probably be helpful if I mention that it's a 12gb 3060. :)