[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 12 points 2 weeks ago

High school crush. I married her.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 36 points 2 weeks ago

The ID on the phone thing is weird. Like I’m gonna give my phone to a cop when they ask for my ID. That’s a nope from me. Same reason why I still print out my car insurance cards even though the information is on my phone. I ain’t giving my phone to a cop for any reason.

In the US, not every merchant accepts phone payments, so we still have to carry physical cards around. Your patronizing tone was unnecessary.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 48 points 2 weeks ago

I’m a young Millennial and I don’t understand why you wouldn’t carry a wallet. Mine is a slim front pocket one, but I need somewhere for my ID and cards. I despise phone wallets and I use tap-to-pay where possible, but not everywhere accepts them for some reason. I also don’t carry cash because I’m not a Boomer. If I’m buying/selling something off Craigslist or whatever, I just use Venmo.

Who doesn’t use a wallet? Are they referring to those card holders and not calling them wallets?

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 31 points 1 month ago

Requiring a PSN account to play the game.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 15 points 4 months ago

It never stops. Distro hopping is an addiction for me.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 98 points 4 months ago

I love how the chief justice cites his god as his legal argument. What a sham. The god of the Bible has, thus far, failed to prove its legitimacy in any context, especially regarding a secular legal system.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 19 points 4 months ago

I’m in bed early, up early, and I don’t go out. That’s been my MO for years now. I like it that way and don’t intend to change it. There’s not much that interests me anymore anyway.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 32 points 4 months ago

It’s a wonderful life, not having children. Well, a less shitty one, anyway.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 52 points 7 months ago

Ah, fuck it. We’re supposed to suffer in silence. We’re men. Man up, guys! Grit your teeth and bear it! (/s)

No one checks on me and that’s fine. I don’t really need people to check on me like I’m fragile. I fight my own battles; always have, always will. But for those who do need the more frequent check-ins, they should absolutely have them and should be able to ask for them without fear of ridicule or mockery.

The fact that, statistically speaking, no one cares about lonely folk is pretty discouraging, but you can’t force people to care. And even if you could, it wouldn’t be worthwhile or heartfelt. I sure as hell don’t want people to feel like they have to give a shit.

Stay strong, gents. It’s not weak to ask for help if you need it, even from internet strangers.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 21 points 7 months ago

Glad that NoVA probably held out. Again.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 27 points 8 months ago

A lot of people don’t understand bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder specifically in my case. “Had” being incorrect, as it’s a lifelong illness.

[-] SteelCorrelation@lemmy.one 30 points 1 year ago

Here, unfortunately, YTA if you don't tip. I forgot once and had the server run after me to make sure something wasn't wrong. Some service folks take it personally if you don't tip, which makes sense given that their employers don't pay them shit. So yeah, you the customer foot the bill for ensuring these people can make ends meet... as if giving the restaurant your custom wasn't support enough.

The problem is that, like most other industries here in the US, the system is rigged against the working class. While not all restaurant owners intend to fuck over their staff (especially smaller, local places), it's how it works. Now, some places will automatically add gratuity to your bill under certain conditions, so check your breakdown to ensure it's not already included. This is becoming more common, which irritates me since I scale my tip based on the quality of the service rendered.

Also, we know it's expensive here. Don't bother coming here to complain about it, we do it enough ourselves. Tipping is here to stay for now and I don't imagine it changing for quite some time.

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