André Rosario (aka HydroponicTrash) joins us this week on the podcast to tell Ariel all about dual power - what it is, how it fits in with solarpunk, and how people can mobilize it in their daily lives. Their conversation ranges from the history of the term dual power, to examples from André’s own life, to the concept of mutual aid, the importance of imagining a better world, how to build relationships as an introvert, and even includes a discussion of human nature.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I’m just glad to see someone else posting here. 🌙 To me it’s up to the community to decide what fits best here and it seems like most people agree with you and appreciate it. Thanks for sharing

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by SteveKLord@slrpnk.net to c/lunar_punk@slrpnk.net

This solarpunk book of shadows will guide you in surviving and resisting climate crisis and dystopian political systems so you can take radical action towards a positive future. Longtime activist and practicing witch Justine Norton-Kertson introduces a fresh approach to witchcraft at a time when it’s desperately needed.

Drawing on the natural connections between modern paganism and the literary, artistic, and activist movement known as solarpunk, Norton-Kertson provides meditations and correspondences for developing a spiritual practice rooted in nature, the Sun, and a powerful belief in our ability to build a better world. Readers will also find a host of spells to use in the fight against climate change, fascism, and inequality. These politically conscious magickal practices forge a new spiritual praxis to guide us as we work together to envision and create the future we want to see.

Utopian Witch hits stores on July 23, 2024 and pre-orders are already shipping. If you missed the Kickstarter you can still get all the rewards on Pledgemanager

submitted 1 week ago by SteveKLord@slrpnk.net to c/energy@slrpnk.net

California is cranking out impressive numbers for clean energy production, with its combined wind, solar, and hydro power exceeding demand on 91 of 102 days up to and including June 16.


Scientists have long worried Earth’s rising temperatures could make fungi more dangerous to humans. Now, researchers in China may have stumbled on evidence to support that idea.


Watch the summer solstice LIVE from Stonehenge with the first of our two FREE live streams!

Wherever you are in the world, you won't miss a moment of this special occasion. Our cameras will capture views of Stonehenge set to a relaxing soundtrack, allowing you to connect with this spiritual place from the comfort of your own home. Our stream begins at 20:00 BST (this is 15:00 EDT/EST), with sunset occurring at 21:26 BST.


During springtime in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun appears on the horizon farther north each day. Annually, around June 20 or 21, this motion appears to stop in what is known as the summer solstice. During that time, the Earth’s axis is angled toward the Sun, and the intensity of sunlight on the Northern Hemisphere is greatest.

As a historian of astronomy, I am interested in the role astronomical events had on ancient people and continue to have in modern times. My ancestors lived on the Central Mexican Plateau, where for many Indigenous cultures, both past and present, the rising and setting of the Sun during equinoxes and solstices were sacred events.

submitted 1 week ago by SteveKLord@slrpnk.net to c/energy@slrpnk.net

Solar photovoltaic energy is riding the wave of the future. Gas and oil have powered the previous hundred years of economic and industrial development, but demand for solar energy is growing even faster than China’s investment in green energy. Seven massive solar energy companies in China are building enough solar power that it has begun to overtake the energy reserves of the seven largest oil companies. The largest of them, Tongwei Co., builds enough solar panels in a year to power all of Italy.


June 2024’s full Moon is the Strawberry Moon, and this year it coincides with the summer Solstice, which makes its appearance a little stranger — and darker — than usual. Read on to learn what’s going on with this year’s Strawberry Moon, how to get the best view, and how June’s full Moon may also have lent its name to a romantic tradition in the Middle Ages.

What is Dual Power? (kolektiva.media)

Dual Power, sometimes referred to as counter-power, is a stage in a revolutionary movement where two competing political frameworks occupy the same space. For anti-state revolutionaries this implies a significant mobilization of people organizing autonomously and outside of and against existing power structures and institutions.

In this episode of A is for Anarchy, we examine the historical origins of dual power and analyze current examples and those throughout history.

The Bonk Song (youtu.be)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by SteveKLord@slrpnk.net to c/music@slrpnk.net

The Bonk Song · No$hu


The Byron Bay Railroad Company runs the world's first 100% solar-powered train. It wouldn't work everywhere - but in the bright sunshine of Australia, it might just be the right tool for the job.

More about the railroad: https://byronbaytrain.com.au/

submitted 2 months ago by SteveKLord@slrpnk.net to c/abolition@slrpnk.net

April 17 marks Palestinian Prisoner’s Day, established by the Palestinian National Council in 1974 as a day to honor the thousands of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli occupation prisons and to support their legitimate right to freedom. The date was chosen because it commemorates the release of prisoner Mahmoud Bakr Hijazi in the first prisoner exchange between the Palestinians and Israel. Accordingly, Palestinian Prisoner’s Day considers all those who have served time in prison as “icons of resistance,” thereby representing all Palestinians who have been under brutal occupation for the past 76 years.

In an interview with the New Arab, Charlotte Kates, Samidoun’s coordinator, confirmed that “Palestinians deeply value and honour the tremendous sacrifices that political prisoners have made for the liberation of their land. Each of their lives is precious to them.” She added that Palestinian prisoners are leaders of the resistance who have been detained because Israel understands that they are a threat to the settler colonial system and therefore wants to isolate them away from the world.

“From the earliest days of the Palestinian national liberation movement, imprisonment has always been a weapon used by the colonizer,” Kates confirmed, “and it has always been an inspiration for Palestinian resistance.” More than just the colonizer’s victims, she explained that prisoners are also “leaders, organizers and fighters. They organize behind bars and turn prisons into ‘revolutionary schools’ of the oppressed.” Because they are “central to the liberation movement,” their right to freedom must be part of the liberation struggle along with the isolation of Israel.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 22 points 2 months ago

One advantage over wordpress is that it avoids bringing its parent company, Automatic, into the Fediverse.

From Wikipedia:

In February 2024, Automattic announced that it would begin selling user data from Tumblr and WordPress to Midjourney and OpenAI.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 16 points 2 months ago

I've heard a lot about Palestinians using solar to power several electronic devices in Gaza but it was primarily from Arab media sources like Al Jazeera. While this was on the much more corporate and mainstream news it was easy to miss without actively looking for it. You bring up a good point and I wonder if there's more use of solar energy happening there, especially in dire conditions, that we're missing out on as it's not typically covered by major news sources. Hopefully we'll be reading more stories like this in the future.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 18 points 2 months ago

A better example of a pogrom might be the killing of over 30,000 civilian Palestinians and simultaneously starving them to death with blockade following 75 years of occupation and a century of colonialism. Proportionality matters and it doesn't favor your argument

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 24 points 2 months ago

One need not pretend something that is already factually accurate. This was a retaliation and direct response for Israel bombing Iran's consulate in Syria on April 1. This is why Iran targeted and struck the Negev air force base ( which contains US F-35s used to bomb Gaza ) as that is the base from which that attack originated. This is also why Iran says it now considers the matter "concluded" and warned the US and Israel against further reprisals. Those are facts and not "pretending" so if you are going to "pretend" this isn't true and try to distort the matter I'm not interested.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 43 points 2 months ago

The best part is the UN charter clearly states that when a country is attacked, it has aright to self defense. Let's watch Israel talk their way around that as they vindicate Iran and incriminate themselves.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 91 points 2 months ago

If you liked "Florida Man", you're gonna love "Florida Woman"

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 16 points 2 months ago

Finally we have corporate sponsorship!

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 25 points 3 months ago

I don't think it's just you. It does seem a bit pessimistic / fatalistic at first glance, especially the headline, but it's clearly a more complicated issue once you read through. You're right, the issue isn't solar energy but more about being careful about how it's put to use and the impact thereof. If anything it shows the dangers of expecting capitalism to save us and issues we run into if we try to take the easy way out. We know the issue exists now so it's more a question of what next.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 19 points 4 months ago

The article calls the allegations agains UNRWA "explosive" yet they are completely unconfirmed . WME was once the agency of Charlie Chaplin who sympathetically depicted immigrants and refugees and was forced into exile by Washington during the McCarthy era witch hunts. If they currently find it controversial for one of their clients to share a fundraiser for people in need, they are allowing those same cycles to repeat and it may be time to find a new agency.

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 12 points 6 months ago

“Betrayed by this town / Let’s burn it all down “ might be the most relevant chorus of today’s music. It’ll be stuck in my head all night and would fit right in at most protests

[-] SteveKLord@slrpnk.net 16 points 11 months ago

There was never any lag in service. I'm on that instance. I believe the person was raided due to their activism and had a backup of some data but not the actual server. They made an announcement and told people to change their passwords. Many lost a degree of trust but are being as transparent as possible with members. https://kolektiva.social/@admin/110637031574056150

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