
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

He also did NOT stop family separations. That's bogus propaganda. He's continued and worsened them.

And his beef with Texas is not that Texas wants to hurt immigrants and Genocide Joe wants to protect them; it's literally a competition between Texas and the feds on who gets to have supreme authority in their sadistic immigrant abuse. I sometimes joke that they'll probably settle their differences by having an immigrant murdering competition and go home at the end of the day to back claps and a round of drinks, no matter the outcome.

Certain brands of liberal bend over fucking backwards to distort reality in order to defend their favorite fascist. Gross. Don't step in that.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

One of the two fascists is in the process of conducting the most acute genocide since the Holocaust. Not a hypothetical, predicted genocide, but a real one, unfolding in front of our very eyes in real time. There's not a chance in hell I'm not voting against him. If donkey fans really want to try to make me choose between the candidates on the two mainstream liberal mono-party ballot lines, they're not going to like the one I wind up voting for. I guess they should be happy I've got socialist candidates I can put my check mark next to instead.

Anyway, that's if I'm not in jail or stripped of my voting rights on election day in retaliation for direct action that opposes that genocide. Back into the streets!

[–] -1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Definitely! If you want nutritional food, focus on the stuff that's really cheap and easy to grow and makes the best use of land anyway, whether you're doing it or consuming it after other people have done so: fresh veggies. Greens, squashes, tomatoes, various tubers, etc. (varies depending on your region, of course).

I was just talking about the focus on protein. It is absolutely not the thing to worry about if you're interested in "nutritious". You're being completely counter-productive if you do that. It leads opposite to the goal you just described.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (2 children)

Just grow and eat veggies and grains. If you're worried about protein, you're worried about the wrong thing (you should instead be worried about getting vitamins, minerals, and a generally varied diet). Everything that made people worried about protein on vegetarian or vegan diets is based on a study purposefully misinterpreted by the meat-and-dairy industry, where that misinterpretation was parroted for decades and disowned by the original author of the study. Just because you can fulfill the same protein profile as meat using plant proteins doesn't mean you need to. The human body evolved to allow us to eat meat opportunistically, not to require it.

Unless you're on an all-fruit diet, you're getting enough protein if you're getting enough calories (literally no matter your exercise regimen). And if you're not getting enough calories, you're starving and protein is one of the last of your concerns anyway.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

You might like almond or cashew milk. They (ironically) have less of the nutty aftertaste. And IMO just always stick to unsweetened (or minimally sweetened) choices of all of them.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago

Seriously. I love black-bean patties, for example. Who needs that shit to actually taste like meat?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Good recipe(s)?

[–] 2 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Poor people can't afford to lend money when they're struggling just to eat and make rent. It's not a viable way for them to "keep up" with inflation.

But in a sense you're right: inflation (by itself) isn't the problem. The problem is that wages don't keep up with it. Because the labor movement has been failing not only to make gains, but to prevent failures (e.g. keep our effective wages from going down). Most forms of capitalist passive income keep up with inflation by design, which is no accident.

[–] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Generally you should do what:

  1. Maximizes your personal well-being (though note I'm not saying "wealth", because they two are not always the same), and
  2. Satisfies your personal and ideological principles as well as possible, at least to the point where you can live with yourself.

Just because we have systemic critiques doesn't mean we should go live in a cave and eat bugs. To the degree possible we should prefigure the society we want to build, but torturing ourselves individually to do it is both unproductive and likely takes away from our focus on more important things like organizing and taking direct action that impacts the system. We do tend to make personal sacrifices to further our ideological goals, but there's both a practical limit and one where we shouldn't be cruel to each other in our expectations.

Many of us are vegans. Most of us probably avoid buying shares in oil companies. But all of our circumstances are different. Perhaps people salting Chevron to radicalize union organizing there will wind up with its stocks in their retirement accounts that are difficult to divest from without harming their ability to retire, due to their particular circumstances. It seems pretty shitty to expect someone to just get rid of them without us having some kind of dependable (e.g. mutual aid) infrastructure in place to take care of each other in our old age.

TL;Dr: Yet you participate in society. Curious!

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

No. I agree that liberal "democracy" is a sham. But the so-called "ratchet effect" is a useless meme. Democrats push us into reactionary politics too; they don't just "keep us from going left". The current head of the Democratic Party, occupying the most powerful political position in the world—more powerful than any king throughout the history of human kind—is the one of the most devout supporters of zionist genocide you'll find, chose to crush the rialroad strike, largely architected our system of mass incarceration and mass surveillance (he boasts of having authored the Patriot Act, and he actually pushed Ronald Reagan to go harder on the "Drug War" than the latter was inclined to do on his own), led the charge on indebting generations of college students, and is now on the brink of starting WW3 in the Middle East (after risking it in Ukraine).

Genocide is a non-starter, period. It is not, and can never seriously be construed as, harm reduction. Don't vote for fascists. Those actively enabling genocide against Palestine are fascists. Thankfully, there's no debating the genocide now if you have any honesty whatsoever. Liberals advocating for voting for genocidal candidates of either/any party can fuck right off and [redacted].

[–] -1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

"Just put up with the fascists promoting genocide. You have no place here if you won't." Cool, cool. "Sharing views" and all. 👍


"In other news" Biden is probably about to be condemned along with Israel for genocide in the ICJ:


The pies are funny, but the politics are real.


As an anarchist, I disagree with the linked video's notion that small groups shouldn't act autonomously. That is garbage. But the rest of what it says about security culture and safety and the fact that the movie was pretty clearly made to encourage activists to compromise their security and/or hurt themselves is right-on and worth spreading to comrades everywhere.

It's again worth stressing that this has basically nothing to do with the book of the same title as the movie, and the video makes that clear.

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