I read somewhere that it's because human eyes focus on something that is the size of your thumbnail at an arm's length, so pretty small, and that distorts things a little bit so that what we're focusing on appears larger. Whereas cameras take in the entire field of view as their focus (at least phone cameras, lenses are a whole other ballgame), and all of that data being poured in at once means the distortion isn't there.

But that could be complete bull. I just read it somewhere on the Internet and it made sense lol.


Not too much of a rabbit hole, but it's fun to waste some time on some small thing here and there. I find a lot of fun or weird stuff there and I love it.

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 19 points 2 months ago

I'm not sure about "expensive", but it was priceless.

My mom had a really gorgeous piece of petrified wood about the size of a cup coaster and as a young kid I was obsessed with it. So one day I broke into her jewelry box where she kept it and stole it to bring to school for show and tell. Everything was fine until I was getting on the bus to go home and I tripped with it in my hand. It shattered like glass and so did my poor little heart.

I remember crying all the way home where I tearfully confessed to my thievery and apologized up and down to my mom. She honestly wasn't very angry, and was a lot more understanding than I thought she might be. I don't remember what happened to the wood afterwards but I don't remember seeing it ever again so I wonder if she trashed it? It was so beautiful, so that would be a total shame.

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Didn't read the article, but my partner and I went on a Caribbean cruise in 2022 ish. Generally, it was fine. We had a good time.

But personally I would never do that again. I hate crowds and it was super crowded, I'm shy and awkward and didn't try to meet anyone new, and I just felt weird on the land excursions where the locals seemed like they hated their jobs but it was the best industry for them to feed their families.

I will say the restaurants on board were phenomenal (but not included in the price point), and the shows were fun. But the best time I had was just spent on my balcony, watching the world go by.

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 26 points 3 months ago

I actually want them to step away from 5e/DnD in general. I loved DOS2, but I agree with another commenter that the vast swaths of elements made things challenging in a frustrating way at times. Not that that shouldn't be a tactic to be used, but it definitely was egregious in DOS2.

5E is just... A fuckin mess when it comes to balancing the game - said as a long time DM and player. There are so many things that just irritate the heck out of me with the system that can't necessarily be balanced with a video game slapped overtop of it. (Not to say Larian didn't do a good job with what they were given, but still)

That being said, I am a total fanboy of Pathfinder 2e and the way things are balanced there, and I would love love love to see a CRPG under those rules. Especially if it was Larian-levels.

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 24 points 3 months ago

The grill(?) with this perspective was confusing the hell out of me. Looks like Kitty is about to cook up a little something.

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 8 points 4 months ago

Hahahahaha. I hate SAP with a burning fury. I'm not sure if it's looked like this for a long time as I've only been in my career three years, but yep yep yep yep, looks exactly the same.

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago

Right on the nose with the insurmountable task.

The thing is, is that if somehow you get the energy to get out the door, whatever you have planned is (nearly) always a good time. It's just so hard to remember that when depression takes hold.


I'm stuck on this personally. I love my manual, I have a tiny little Mazda 2 and I have driven that thing absolutely everywhere because I can control it better than any automatic I've ever driven. But I've been casually looking for a new car and I'd love to have an electric, but I don't want to lose that level of control and everything I love about a manual.

What do you all think? What's your take?

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 15 points 5 months ago

I mean it's not that I'm not looking for a therapist (it's been a hassle), but it's a lot of validation in an anonymous sense that make the internet strangers worth it for asking.

Besides, being vulnerable in text is a lot easier than in person. Not to sound cagey or defensive, but alas


I'm really stuck. I've been unhappy for years and we've done couple's therapy and tried to reconnect, but it's just not enough.

I have a bad habit of feeling guilty and responsible for everything and I just can't see a future where I hurt my partner so badly. I don't know how to sever myself from the relationship and alllllll of the stuff and responsibilities. My partner slacked off when it came to college internships so they've been unemployed for years, and now finally found a fast food job. But that means that if I leave, they're done for. They can't pay the mortgage alone, nevertheless the bills or food. They also mentioned in our therapy that their greatest fear is divorce and I don't know if that's because they're still so attached to me or if it's the fear of having to make it on their own.

How do I uproot their entire life over my unhappiness? That just doesn't seem like something I could possibly do... but I can't stay here, I'm withering away.


[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 10 points 5 months ago

I binged like 12 seasons of Taskmaster recently and that's definitely been in my brain alongside 'You awright?'

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world to c/casualconversation@lemmy.world

Or am I just the paragon saint of puppy love?

Seriously though, do y'all have a crush on each of your friends?

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

I had an electrician come in and my idiot cat jumped into his little duffle bag of tools and almost got taken to someone else's home. Just wanted to be friendly


As title states.

But also, can I get some advice from the community? After a long while, I finally lifted the veil over my eyes and came to terms with the fact that I am totally and unapologetically homosexual. But I've been married for a long time so we're trying to make it work and just extend ourselves to polyamory. I've booted up a dating profile, but should I include that I am a baby gay? Do I include my open relationship? Or are those things to talk about in person? Any advice?


It appears to be up on Web, but I can't seem to get it to load in at all on Liftoff, and I've been making sure to be on my Beehaw account.

I have cleared my cache and checked for updates. Is this just a me problem or a bigger problem?

Dahlia (lemmy.world)

I'm thinking of going in to get my masters in climatology and I want to know everything from the mouths of those that do the work.

I don't have a degree in meteorology, but I was a weather forecaster for a number of years, mostly focusing on aviation weather. I have a degree in geography /GIS and think those skills will help with research and such. I really really really love weather and want to be part of it.

So... Can anyone offer insights?


I've been looking between fighters, rangers, monks, and magus for long range builds, and each of them have their own perks and flavors that are fun and varied.

So what is your favorite setup for a bow user?

[-] Suck_on_my_Presence@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

When I was a kid, I was in band class. We were having an end of the year big concert and my parents were coming for once. I was first chair and had a fun part in one of our songs so I was really excited to get to play for them for once.

Because of my excitement and my being just a kid, I was bouncing around and the neck strap for my saxophone broke. I played tenor and there was no way my little hands could hold that thing up for a whole concert, so I was pretty much booted from the concert last minute. It broke my damn heart. Even thinking about it now makes me teary. All that hope just quashed because of some dumb mistake.

Good news is that the band director did me a solid and let me walk out with my case to rest my sax on beside my chair, but the damage had already been done.

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