[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 21 points 9 months ago

Wow if there's one thing I really want to pay extra for is to have a computer randomly pick my music based off what I like. That's way better than what Spotify has already been doing: randomly picking music based off what I like! True innovation. Will the service also come with some sort of slider or bar that I can use to change how loud or quiet a song is? Maybe some other buttons that can let me skip or go back to a song, even pause and play it to my liking?

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 16 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

All the best workplaces that don't have a racism problem are the ones where lightly suggesting diversity training is met with hostility, denial, and sacking of the person suggesting it. Such actions really highlight how seriously said company takes concerns of bigotry at the workplace and proves they're giving it their all to make it as inclusive as possible.

I’m siding with the employee who was treated like a racist

Proving how incredibly not racist I am by taking incredible, personal offense at the suggestion of checking possible biases I may have as manager at a company with a history of racial biases, because I care about combating racism just that much

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 11 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I would appreciate more detail on how they determined whether people were lying or not, especially considering there would be no advantage to lying since the article mentions that self-identifying men were permitted to attend the event.

Yeah, that's extra sketchy. Gives me more of the impression that by "female and non-binary" they meant "cis women and some enbys & trans women IF they dress up feminine". In an event that doesn't bar men from entering, why would any guy lie about their gender identity? What's the prize, getting to enter a convention that you could have entered if you didn't lie anwyays? As a trans woman that still presents masculine and has not started any HRT, it wouldn't be the first time someone assumed I was just lying about my identity to... I dunno, score brownie points I guess?

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 29 points 9 months ago

For anyone interested in this news, don't forget to check out your local library. If you're in the US there's a good chance that your library card will also give you access to online audiobooks for free!

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 20 points 9 months ago

Is there any way this can be prevented in the future?

Unfortunately, I can't think of any way to add prevention measures that wouldn't also open the door for some insanely transphobic practices. I think this is one of those things where you have to really rely on good faith behavior from the local community/people signing up for the event

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 17 points 9 months ago

Now I could be wrong, but I think there's probably one or two women and enbys in Florida :P They haven't been completely outlawed yet

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 10 points 9 months ago

That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure if the game industry had different standards to other fields for that kinda stuff. Sacking a bunch of QA agents does not sound promising for the games they're working on....

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 22 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Departments ranging from art to production were impacted, but the majority of those laid off worked in quality assurance testing. The sources said at least 25 developers were part of the downsizing. Full-time staff do not appear to have been part of the cuts.

Sources tell Kotaku that no severance is being offered for those currently laid off, and that impacted developers as well as remaining employees are being pressured to keep the news quiet. Their contracts won’t be officially terminated until the end of October and they’ll be expected to work through the rest of the month.

If I'm understanding right it sounds like only part-time contractors are getting cut. Do part-time employees usually get offered severance packages or is this (kinda ghoulish) business as usual? I wonder how much work those people will get done for the rest of the month

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 26 points 9 months ago

Make it make sense, Beehaw =(

Unfortunately AI is one of this community's blind spots so you're probably outta luck on this one. If it's not someone shyly giving themselves a pass for it because their use case is totally ethical and unlike other people using it, it's someone smugly laughing at people scared for their livelihoods as companies cut out more and more people to save a dollar here and there. The amount of people that welcome factory churned content slop will always outnumber those that still give a shit, best we can do is hope for some legislation that limits the more harmful aspects and learn to deal with the harm that can't be undone.

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 12 points 9 months ago

Comments about this case are always wild, you can tell what commenters are American from the argument always being the same gist of "People in America are crazy bro! I wouldn't risk NOT shooting either". This country is so fucked we have fast food delivery drivers carrying pistols on them for safety and unloading on some obnoxious asshole blaring stupid bullshit in their ear, and people will hear that and think "Honestly a very fair and measured response IMO". Worse part is those comments aren't even entirely wrong! We are NOT doing okay over here y'all lmao

If only incidents like this put a stop to all the annoying "pranks" on YouTube and the people that make bank off them. How many more moronic pranksters have to be seriously hurt before they realize they should stop, or at the very least stage the videos with some friends or some people you pay on Craigslist? It's not like the 12 year olds watching are gonna be able to tell the difference anyways.

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 44 points 10 months ago

While hurtful and not cool to tell somebody. Im sure a million a people think similar things about a co-worker everyday.

Thinking it and saying it are two separate things. One is just the day to day frustrations of working with other human beings, the other is contributing to a toxic work environment that just so happens to target a woman in a boy's club of a company within a boy's club of an industry.

I kindly ask you to read things fully. Even disregarding how dismissive you are for victims of a terrible workplace like this, she specifically mentions how this toxicity messed with her visa status. "Just leave bro" is almost never a worthwhile sentiment tbh

Is this really news?

A popular tech YouTube company is outed as an abusive work environment that does nothing about sexual harassment some employees face. There's news reported about far more insignificant shit, I think we can consider this newsworthy.

[-] SugarApplePie@beehaw.org 24 points 10 months ago

With how bad it is to send an unfinished product to a reviewer, the reviewer could at the very least use the right equipment to fairly review it. If it's such a terrible idea it surely doesn't need the additional help of rushed incompetence to highlight any flaws in the product.


The two bills that would ban its use in the state passed along party lines, with 56 Democrats voting in their favor on Wednesday and 53 Republicans voting against them. The measures now go to the Democratic-controlled state Senate, where they’re expected to pass. They will then advance to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who is expected to sign them into law.

What surprises me is only 21 states have banned this torture!

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