[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 1 points 14 minutes ago

I played through both back when I was a kid. Definitely one of the best experiences on the game boy color.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 2 points 52 minutes ago* (last edited 51 minutes ago)

Your arguing that workers who would have the option under single payer healthcare to work less is a bad thing? Jesus christ dude.

Go look up GDH.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 4 points 2 hours ago

The fuck do I hear Bernie saying “Medicare for All” ?

https://berniesanders.com/issues/medicare-for-all/ Ah so you just keep your fingers in your ears. Got it.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 hours ago

On healthcare: removing the profit incentives of private health insurance drives down costs as well as frees up money to pay for universal coverage. It's not free Healthcare and has never been referred to as such unless people are debating in bad faith. He wrote the Medicare for All bill and just because you aren't aware of the details doesn't mean Sanders didn't have them.

On housing: again calling it free housing is a disingenuous bait. His housing policy had so many facets that even if only half his proposals were put into place, it would do wonders to improve the situation for millions of Americans. Federal funding for expanding Community Land Trusts (if you don't know what CLTs are you should look it up), combat gentrification/exclusionary zoning/segregation/speculation, expand the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund a fund that he was responsible for and fought for 15 years to become the first new federal affordable housing program funded in several decades, tenant protections like New York's right to counsel that was created in 2017, which saw their eviction rates drop five times faster than comparable areas. God damn man I could keep going but if I haven't made my point why waste the effort.

All of this could easily be paid by taxing the wealthy and reducing military spending. Would that be a problem for you?

submitted 1 day ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/music@lemmy.world
[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago

You think CNN cares who wins?

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 19 points 2 days ago

I think the actual title is N/A.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 1 points 6 days ago

They’re installing this hate for liberals both in tankies...

Man I didn't realize Phil Oches was a Russian agent. Leftist criticism of liberal hypocrisy is nothing new, just new to you.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 6 points 6 days ago

Appreciate it.

submitted 1 month ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/music@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/unions@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 months ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/workreform@lemmy.world
[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 104 points 2 months ago

Someone shared a link to his socials, he does his own tailoring.

WTF Leia?! (lemmy.ml)

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/14379944

This card is salt on the wound.

WTF Leia?! (lemmy.ml)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/sw_unlimited@lemmy.ml

This card is salt on the wound.

submitted 2 months ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/sw_unlimited@lemmy.ml
[Deck Tech] Iden Pure Control (sw-unlimited-db.com)
submitted 2 months ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/sw_unlimited@lemmy.ml

This is the deck I am currently most excited about. I jumped on Thrawn Vigilance and am waiting for the last of those cards to arrive but this Iden creature light list plays to my favorite aspect of control, blanking opponents interaction.

The main wincon is Vigilance and milling them out. All the removal in the deck means you'll be gaining lots of life off Iden each game, and flipping her is less of a priority than something you can plan for the right time.

It does play some weaker cards like Repair & Restock but they are easy targets for resourcing early and basically free value later in the game.

This is a great competitive control list that hits aggro and midrange currently dominant in the meta. Don't bring this to a kitchen table, cherish a friend that plays SWU with you.

submitted 2 months ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/sw_unlimited@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/14328939

Actual review starts at 18:38.

For all the great things they have to say about the game their scoring is heavily impacted by being a channel for board games. I agree with pretty much everything they have to say, except the art has really grown on me and I am glad they went in a different direction from previous SW card games. The art feels as fresh as the gameplay.

And the gameplay is extremely good. FFG has announced that they have 3 additional sets already printed and an additional 6 ready to go. On top of that the tournament support makes organized play a priority for the game which I love as from what I can see WotC has been dropping that ball more and more as Arena has become more of their focus.

Have you played the game? Are you interested?

submitted 2 months ago by Sunforged@lemmy.ml to c/gaming@beehaw.org

Actual review starts at 18:38.

For all the great things they have to say about the game their scoring is heavily impacted by being a channel for board games. I agree with pretty much everything they have to say, except the art has really grown on me and I am glad they went in a different direction from previous SW card games. The art feels as fresh as the gameplay.

And the gameplay is extremely good. FFG has announced that they have 3 additional sets already printed and an additional 6 ready to go. On top of that the tournament support makes organized play a priority for the game which I love as from what I can see WotC has been dropping that ball more and more as Arena has become more of their focus.

Have you played the game? Are you interested?

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 119 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

This murder was so precise you can still read the marking on roof.

Edit: Hey look a coward let us know their presence by downvoting and not replying. Typical behavior from someone who supports killing civilian volunteers that are trying to minimize a genocide.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 145 points 4 months ago

Isn't it weird that I can't find any western media outlets reporting this? Super weird right, I just can't figure out why.

[-] Sunforged@lemmy.ml 136 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

They are generating political action on an issue that is undeserving of resources. It is also about covering bad choices so investors don't lose faith.

Also Seattle’s local satire news called it.

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