[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 8 points 8 months ago

Und schlimm ist, dass die meisten Bürger das „Problem“ Zuwanderung als eines sehen, unter dem primär Sie selbst leiden. Flüchtlingsheime in der Nachbarschaft, angeblich höhere Kriminalität, Verlust der eigenen Kultur etc…

Wenn dann leiden doch die Zuwandernden unter den Umständen oder sehe ich das falsch?

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 103 points 8 months ago

Vielleicht lebe ich in einer privilegierten Bubble, aber von dem „Problem“ Zuwanderung bekomme ich in meinem täglichen Leben nichts mit. Nur die Nachrichten suggerieren mir, es sei ein Problem.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by Supertramper@feddit.de to c/shortcuts@lemmy.world

I know some of you are trying to make Spotify autoplay through Shortcuts work, so I’d like to share my fairly simple solution. It helps me to autoplay the latest episode of a „daily news“ podcast (e. g. via lockscreen widget), but you could setup autoplay for any song, playlist or artist too.

Here comes the trick: Ask Siri through a voice command to play the desired song, podcast or playlist with Spotify. Then immediately open Shortcuts, and magic - you will find the result of your latest voice command as a shortcut action for the Spotify app.

Really hope this is useful!

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 11 points 9 months ago

Usually I don’t have a problem with narrow spaces, but being unable to move at all is a deal breaker for me. I feel like that would be seriously painful after a few hours, mentally AND physically.

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 4 points 9 months ago

Right, at least they are honest about it and - in a way- comply with GDPR by avoiding it.

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

Es ist die Grenze zur Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses gem. § 183a StGB.

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 18 points 10 months ago

You’ll need an exception handler for all those dropping panties.

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 33 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)


It started with a little green in the living room and suddenly turned into a full grown, humid, highly poisonous indoor jungle that’s thirsty as fuck. And it turns out that exotic plants, fancy pots, growing lights, different types of soil for different species, fertilizers, and dozens of liters of water every day are somehow expensive…

Edit: yes, I love it

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 5 points 10 months ago

From a security perspective, unlocking your third-party password manager AND your 2FA authenticator on the same phone with FaceID is not the best solution. An attacker who manages to compromise FaceID will have access to your credentials as well as your 2FA codes.

That’s why I recommend a separate 2FA app with a custom 6-digit pin lock.

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 7 points 10 months ago

Im Flur aufstellen und Einbrecher verschrecken.


Auf meinem abendlichen Spaziergang im Wald begegnete ich heute wieder fünf Personen bzw. Paaren, von denen nur eine gegrüßt oder per Blickkontakt einen Gruß zugelassen hat. Ich verstehe, dass man in einer Stadt nicht jeden Passanten grüßen kann, aber tagsüber allein im Wald?

Ein Mensch, dem man - so es das Schicksal will - zufällig begegnet, könnte deine zukünftige Chefin oder ein zukünftiger Kollege sein. Er könnte morgen früh deinen Kaffee beim Bäcker zubereiten, dein viel zu schweres Paket zur Haustüre schleppen oder deine Mülltonne leeren. Er oder sie könnte auch drei Meter hinter dir kollabieren und deine Erste Hilfe benötigen, um weiterleben zu dürfen. Oder du benötigst die seine. Selbst wenn nicht, könntest du deinem Mitmenschen einfach das gute Gefühl vermitteln, als solcher wahrgenommen und wertgeschätzt zu werden. Grüß dein Gegenüber und freu dich daran, dass sich eure Wege heute kreuzen durften - egal ob zum ersten oder zum letzten Mal. Man läuft an Steinen vorbei ohne diese zu beachten, aber nicht an Menschen.

ZL;NG - Grüßen tut nicht weh. Tut es einfach :)

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 4 points 10 months ago

I hope all 16 kids will root in the coming weeks and months!


…and after:

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 8 points 1 year ago

Everyone can understand the basic concepts of stoicism. Most of them are easy to understand, but hard to apply.

Unfortunately I can not recommend any English literature, but I see Deren Browns "Happy" getting recommended a lot. The books I read all had a practical focus, trying to apply stoic ideas to day-to-day life. Most stoics will recommend to also read historical literature, like Marcus Aurelius "Meditations" - this might be a bit too much for beginners.

For me personally, the most helpful stoic idea is the "dichotomy of control". It basically says that you shouldn't worry about things or facts you can't change ("externalities") and instead focus on the things that actually are under your control. And those are VERY few things.

A trivial example: Why should I worry about the "bad" weather during my holidays? I certainly can not control the weather and by nature, the weather is neither good or bad. It's my brain that gives a sunny day more value than a thunderstorm. So instead of complaining about the weather, I should try to make the best out of it and maybe even appreciate it.

[-] Supertramper@feddit.de 23 points 1 year ago

Reading about stoicism. It’s like an ethical anchor in my life now, a guide to be happy. It’s like the upgraded version of religious belief, perfectly fitting in the 21st century (even though it’s thousands of years old).

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