[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 10 points 16 hours ago

perhaps one day humanity will finally learn that people are different, and forcing everyone to do exactly the same things will never work out well for either party.

and it's not just that it makes people miserable and maybe even actually harms them, it's also just an inefficient use of resources!

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 16 hours ago

bond name's the james

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 13 points 16 hours ago

i mean psilocybin (administered by a professional and in a safe environment) is actually documented to work for some people, so maybe hold out for that instead of drugs that may well be 50% drain cleaner depending on where you get it?

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 2 points 16 hours ago

let me slip into something more comfortable, like your DMs

sends a genuinely unnerving amount of unique possum images

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 16 hours ago

and most people are allowed to vote, so the thoughts in their head can directly put people into government that want to kill you :)

it's real easy to say that other people don't matter when you're not part of a marginalized group that's actively under threat in many western countries even.

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 16 hours ago

and some groups consist entirely of crazies

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 1 points 16 hours ago

have you ever considered not being a dick about things? You're not the ultimate arbiter of what's difficult, other people experience things differently and for me the constant hashtags and the way these people write most certainly makes the dense sections difficult to parse.

Do you just like, burst into flames when you encounter dyslexic people?

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de -1 points 17 hours ago

okay? i'm talking about the world though, so typical for people to just assume america is all that matters lmao

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 3 points 17 hours ago

in swedish i think we've just gone from "fv" to "v", somehow

very common example since it's in old surnames: hufvud > huvud

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 4 points 22 hours ago

i like the idea that high society women would make breakfast, maybe they'd play at it but the actual breakfast would be made by lower class servants.

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 5 points 22 hours ago

i mean you can apply makeup that doesn't look like a mask, it's the old adage of "if you're not aware of it, it's done right"

[-] Swedneck@discuss.tchncs.de 14 points 1 day ago

lmao AI and crypto people are so predicable in their use of marketing language and hashtags, it astounds me that anyone can make sense of that word salad

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