[-] SwitchyWitchyandBitchy@hexbear.net 3 points 37 minutes ago

Me except trailer park boys. I would do unspeakable things to protect bubbles and his kitties

I feel bad for the cockroaches that live in his filth.

[-] SwitchyWitchyandBitchy@hexbear.net 27 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

After the illegals comment I'm waiting for him to call us the T slur.

And I doubt Trump would've survived COVID without the special treatment he got.

I'm sure it feels like shit, but it'll get better. I recently went through what sounds like a very similar period with my now ex, who I was still in love with. I was a bit of a train wreck for a bit, but things are much better now. Anyway, sending e-hugs cuddle .

[-] SwitchyWitchyandBitchy@hexbear.net 14 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Im glad they actually managed to charge one, but it hurts to think about how many more have done it that I don't even know about.

Somewhat related: https://youtu.be/MIzra5yB3hc

Technically we're supposed to be voting for the president/VP combo. But since they don't necessary have nearly as much power until the president eats it, I think most just vote president as long as the vp pick isn't that much worse than the other one.

I think I'm too autistic to get any generation. I'm a millennial and I have a much easier time understanding and communicating with Autistic people from Gen Z than allistic people from my own generation.

After the initial shock he kinda looked similar to me when I dissociate. I'll never forget how pissed he looked during the "trust me bro" warranty episode. I saw a supercut on reddit I think since I stopped watching Linus sometime soon after I heard his attrocious takes on unions.

[-] SwitchyWitchyandBitchy@hexbear.net 7 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I'm currently rocking a Xiaomi in the US. People do import them and sell them here and it's pretty good. But it won't be problem free. Some carriers which do IMEI whitelisting might give you a hard time (Verizon did, ended up going with t-mobile), for me visual voicemail doesn't work, and it wasn't all that great of a deal. Most of all though, you need to look at what network bands they support and what your carrier uses or you'll frequently find yourself with poor connection. Fortunately, many of the current Xiaomi models have pretty good network compatility with T-mobile it seems. I used this site.

Huawei intesifies I'm so pissed they got banned from the US, I loved my old mate.

I have 100% gotten worse at video games after 25. I don't think it's reflexes, I doubt my reflexes have changed enough to matter for the gaming I do. I know at least part of it is lifestyle. I can't put as many hours into gaming anymore, I'm out of school and tbh I'm a bit out of the habit of pushing myself mentally, which I think has made me a slower learner. Actually I'm glad I'm typing this out cause I hadn't thought about it this and I'm sure now that I'm aware of it I can turn the trend around.

Frankfurt (hexbear.net)

am Main


This guy has been popping up on my feed and I like what I've seen of his so far.


I love you all and if anyone needs some affirmation in the comments, let me know. And if anyone could explicitly refer to me as a woman I would love that.


As part of my gender exploration I've gotten into doing my own nails and I've gotten pretty good at it if I do say so myself, but I've never tried extensions/acrylics. I picked up a kit with assorted sizes but after opening it I've realized my large hands also have large nails, and the largest of the acrylics is only enough for my index finger. I'm kinda posting this to rant out of frustration even though this is a textbook first world problem. But if anyone has suggestions for extended sizes I'd appreciate it. For now I guess I'm relying on however long my natural nails get before they break.


Me when my family ask why I don't support imperialist wars.

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