[-] TBi@lemmy.world 1 points 13 hours ago

I got overcooked 1. It was over difficult and felt too much like work and not fun like a game should be. Maybe 2 is better but I’ve no incentive to try it out.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 4 points 1 day ago

I also think she wouldn’t win the vote. For similar reasons as AOC.

As can be seen by the first person to reply to your post.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 36 points 2 days ago

I like AOC. Unfortunately the majority of people, due to innate racism or misogyny, won’t vote for her. One of the only reasons Biden is there is they know he’s the most likely to get votes from all over the country.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

You’d be surprised. The world may just be fine. Might take a few months of uncertainty but there should be a lot of stock of necessities.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

Agree. The only worry is the flying glass might hurt the child.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 53 points 4 months ago

I downvoted because of this. I don’t like Tesla. But I hate this click baiting and lying to tarnish a reputation. Let them do it themselves. They are doing a good enough job.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 55 points 5 months ago

I had someone boast that they had all their vacation days at the end of the year because they were so “devoted”. I just said it seems they have bad time management since this time off was included in schedules.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 34 points 8 months ago

Generally I find the people who go all out (not overboard) on expenses get promoted before people who don’t. Shows a level of confidence that most management likes.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 54 points 8 months ago

He’s technically correct. They didn’t argue, they just demanded and expected everyone else to accept it. There was no discussion…

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 81 points 8 months ago

Oh please do! Great way to kill your site faster

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 32 points 8 months ago

I won’t buy a car without ultra sonic sensors. They stop you bashing into things that you, or the cameras, can’t see.

[-] TBi@lemmy.world 74 points 11 months ago

Not family, probably because my father passed away just before the pandemic. But it has changed friendships forever. I was surprised by the lack of empathy from people. Like the mild inconvenience of wearing a mask was worse than people dying…

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