joined 1 year ago
[–] TIN@feddit.uk 6 points 10 hours ago (1 children)

The Expanse. So much going on in that opening, plus it updates depending on what's happening in the series.

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 2 points 2 days ago

Interesting, thanks! I'd only ever seen it as amusing (UK based so couldn't buy it anyway), but good to know how it actually stacks up. I wonder if that also means that Nancy herself would have been better to just buy an index tracker and avoid all the negative stories!

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 41 points 2 days ago (3 children)

For those of you in the US, the are a couple of funds which track politician's holdings and invest/digest with them. NANC is the democrat tracking one and KRUZ is the republican tracking one.

This way, you too can stick your snout in the trough.

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 7 points 5 days ago (2 children)


<Reaches for 2024 bingo card>

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Slugabed I've used before, usually to describe me!

To paraphrase a shower thoughts post from a few weeks back though (not mine), why is going to bed early seen as pious but staying in bed late seen as slothful when the net result is the same amount of time spent in bed?

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 2 points 1 week ago

I know, that whole thing about Mediterranean diet and Japanese diet could just be based on pension fraud and bad record keeping

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I thought it was really interesting actually, not sure why it won

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 4 points 1 week ago

TNG is"my" star trek, I watched it religiously when it first came out and even now the music has a curious feeling of comfort and safety about it.

I watched series 1 of Picard, it was okay. Started on 2 and stopped as soon as Q arrived, never liked those episodes of TNG either.

Just started on series 3, enjoying it so far

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 5 points 1 week ago

We have Neolithic attracts and Roman ruins, as well as a castle from somewhere around 1066, also now ruins.

The oldest recorded standing and still used building is from around 1290.

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 2 points 1 week ago

Sounds awesome, I love his writing.

Side note: If it could not involve any helmets like the one pictured which some lights into the eyes of the occupant that would be great! One of my constant irritations when I'm watching sci fi.

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 10 points 2 weeks ago

That was really interesting, thanks for posting

[–] TIN@feddit.uk 4 points 2 weeks ago

The first two have a direct line to how long it would take at a servant's wage to pay off the breakage...


How low on avocado do you need to be to not be allowed to say that it's guac? 3.5% will certainly do it.


I'm not 5G enabled yet so theoretically 4G+ should be my fastest connection speed. However, on O2 I find that it's effectively the same as having no connection at all, and often end up shifting down to 3G just to get some connection.

This can't be right, I feel like I've forgotten a setting or something! Has anyone managed to figure it out, or maybe first does anyone else have the same issue?


Having trouble phrasing this, so in case it's not clear I'm not looking for casual misogyny thanks

Having a debate with a friend about whether men shopping with women can be fun and I'm wondering how coloured my view of this is by me and my ex.

I'd love to hear what makes a great shopping experience for you with your friends or significant others!


I was driving round the M25 and there was an accident in front of me, I could still get round so I slowed down, put hazards on but drove past and carried on my way.

What's the actual protocol in those situations? I could see all the airbags were deployed, there's nothing I could do for the people inside and for sure getting out on a motorway is a bad idea.

But I feel like I should have done something different. Can anyone with knowledge enlighten me?

LOL? lol (feddit.uk)

My son asked me if I would play league of legends with him, so tried it for the first time. So much going on!

Firstly, how does anyone zero in on what hero they want to play, there are so many of them! I feel like it would take a year just to play enough to decide.

Secondly, the purchase UI seems to have been designed to ensure that a new player can never understand it. I'm sure like all things it becomes clear over time but jeez, did a professional team really work on that thing?

Anyway, 2 defeats from 2 games so far, I write to you from the lobby waiting for the third!


Love this one, it all fits so well together!


Don't tell me that's going to parse in a CLI


Fed yesterday, 2 hours at room temp and then in the fridge. She's actually got a bit bigger than I would like already so maybe straight in the fridge next time?


So, hear me out.

I'm a 47 year old guy and I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoy video games. I always have, from playing Head over Heels on a Speccy +2 to ESO and Valorant on my self built PC.

Due to various life circumstances, I'm also on the dating scene and to most women I meet, around my age, video games are anathema. When I say that I like them it's usually meet with an "oh dear" or a "my son would probably love to talk to you about them, I find them really boring"

I have two boys, both teenagers, both play all the time and sometimes we all play together (although they are better as they have more time to apply to games). Their friends are amazed that I will talk about games with them, that I know someone about games and that I play games. None of their parents want to talk with them about what is effectively their main hobby that they do all the time (big sad).

So the question, there must be some sort of cut off age at which video games are no longer an acceptable pastime. Is it absolute age based (nothing after 35) or is it something to do with the progression of games into popular culture and people born after, say, 1986 will not see it as unacceptable?

I don't have an answer, I just think it's an interesting question. Thanks for reading, let me know what you think!

Edit to add: I'm not planning on stopping through peer pressure, just wondering about the phenomenon!


Not sure how much the seller understands about the process!

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