[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 29 points 2 weeks ago

All three are different

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago

Manual labor has been being automated since the industrial revolution.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Except knowledge.

It's foolish of you to assume that most people want to build a computer.

And before people respond with 'its just Legos'

There is so much more to it for someone with little to no knowledge.

Bios and firmware updates that require certain CPUs coupled with certain motherboards.

CPU sockets and inter compatibility.

The different specs of any given component and the value they provide to someone looking for specific workflows

Sizing of components and cases

Knowing where to find parts and what prices are acceptable.

Etc, etc ,etc.

Pick something that you know nothing about, let's say cars just as an example.

Now imagine, let's, say want to buy a car but it doesn't come with wheels, you don't get a list of 4 wheels to choose from, You get, lug patterns, sizing, and type, offset, wheel diameter, wheel width, bead lockers or no bead lockers, 1 piece, 2 piece or 3 piece, etc.

Now you have to spend all this time researching just about wheels, and then how they fit with the car you chose specifically earlier in the process, it would be frustrating and incredibly difficult for people who just want a car.

Go on any thread or forum and ask 'what GPU should I get' which is already making assumptions about someones understanding and knowledge (that they even know what a GPU is), and you will get 20 conflicting answers and need to write a paragraph in responses to narrow it down enough.

Present someone with no knowledge this: 'DDR3-2666 CL9' vs 'DDR3-2000 CL7'. How do you really expect someone who just wants to play a video game to just implicitly know what those numbers mean, how they relate to each other etc.

Building a computer is an immensely difficult task for someone who doesn't know much or anything about it, and believe it or not, the reality is not everyone wants to learn, places like lemmy and other tech focused echo chambers seem to forget that.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 22 points 3 months ago

What do you mean? They didn't actually navigate through the time dimension?

You mean the didn't actually generate a 1000 foot wave?

Next your gonna tell me they didn't even fly a space ship.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 23 points 3 months ago

Markdown accomplishes 90% of non technical writing needs imo.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 24 points 4 months ago

I don't love somewhere where people dress up as Scooby Doo villains to break into houses, I live in a place where people go house to house at 1 am and try door handles on cars and garages. A motion light and a camera does more to stop those people than anything else.

If someone wants to stage an organized heist, then yea, my camera isn't doing shit, but neither are my door locks, or a bolted down safe. At that point it is just an insurance game.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 24 points 6 months ago

Do you find it baffling that a stop sign also allows traffic to go through it?

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 22 points 7 months ago

Is your conversation with a mechanic meant to be the summary and description of a rigorous scientific discovery?

This isn't 'everyday parlance' this is the result of a study.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 29 points 7 months ago

I can download ten subtitles just trying to find one good one for a single TV show episode

Imo if they want to be so strict with downloading subtitles, they should raise the quality standards for the subtitles that are submitted.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago

This is just objectively false.

It seems like YOU don't know how the internet works.

Logging of information is an active task, it doesn't just come with the internet as a concept. Your ISP doesn't know what you posted on Reddit and reddit doesn't know who you are behind your natted ip.

Reddit might have logs and your ISP might have other logs, and they may be able to work together with other organizations to deduce information, but that is not a given.

It is entirely possible for a website to not log ANY information about it's users. I have an occasionally online website like this, I don't even know the amount of bandwidth being used unless I actively monitor the connection. Additionally, a proper tls connection means your ISP doesn't know what data you send to a website, so if the website doesn't take logs and the ISP can't sniff traffic, how can you prove what was done?

Fundamentally, the internet is just a connection between a bunch of computers, there are no intrinsic properties of the internet that leave a trail of evidence. The computer you are connecting to may choose to log your connection and activity, but it isn't required for the internet to function.

Your statement is a conflation of what can happen and what does happen.

I could open sockets between two computers and send encrypted bytes directly between them with keys shared beforehand in person if I wanted, the only thing that can be proved is that the connection was established (and when). This method is still using the internet. Short of cracking the encryption (which would be world wide news) the contents of that communication would be not be able to be ascertained by an eavesdropping third party without express consent from a member of the conversation.

Tl:Dr, a website with tls, no logging, and no DNS, would have very limited information abailable to 3rd parties (effectively limited to ISPs only being able to deduce when and how often you access the site) and 3rd parties would not have the ability to prove any specific activity occured on the page. The internet, as a concept (interconnection, IP, tcp), is not even aware of the idea of 'proving' something, any effort done to contrary is performed on a layer of abstraction above these protocols.

People communicate in untraceable ways on the internet every single day.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 27 points 11 months ago

A job I used to work at a long time had an enlightening moment for me when I had put my 2 weeks in.

There were two camps of people: those that were happy for me - "wow, awesome, tell me about the new place" And those that were cynical - "you will end up back here anyway"

I found that the people who behaved cynically truly do end up filtering back in and the people willing to see that other options exist and can even be better end up moving on.

[-] Takumidesh@lemmy.world 30 points 11 months ago

Don't be hostile.

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