
joined 2 months ago
[–] Terrarium@hexbear.net 37 points 1 month ago

Getting in just early enough to not cross a picket line

[–] Terrarium@hexbear.net 7 points 1 month ago

In this case I would recommend basically boiling it in a little salt first (put in a much taller bowl with water and nuke until boiling). This will give it a cleaner taste for later steps, especially if you just eat it with a nice sauce, which is a 100% legit option. Usually this would be done with a fresh softer tofu but this boiling trick can make it work very well for firm as well.

If you want yo have it with a sauce straight, then (carefully) pour out the water and replace with cold water. Repeat as necessaey until the tofu is chilled. Havr a nice chili oil or hoisin or a peanut sauce (or whatever you want!). Some chopped scallion will bring it all together.

If you want to prepare it to have more texture as part of another dish, make use of that convection option ans treat it like an air fryer as best you can. Cut into cubes, dry the outside (possibly rolles in a little starch or rice flour / wheat flour) and spritz a little oil, then blast with convection. I have never used a convection microwave but I feel like this should make it crisp up. You can then use it in a ton of different dishes, especially east asian and southeast asian ones.

You can also (cold) brine your tofu after the boiling step and use it as a paneer substitute in south asian food.

[–] Terrarium@hexbear.net 21 points 1 month ago

Without being greedy

Costco has the same profit onus of every other company it just uses a slightly different business model that means ita members get huge volumes of cheap goods. That's it.

It is exactly as greedy as every company anykne dislikes. The oppression of capitalism is not due to greed, it is a built-in mechanism that profits must be maximized. It doea not matter how highly a business owner or customers think of the company, it is a profit-generating machine or it will die.

Example: Costco always fights the union.

[–] Terrarium@hexbear.net 27 points 1 month ago (1 children)

They're liberals who use left aesthetics as a false catharsis. They have transferred their liberal partisanship to leftist infighting but have not actually addressed their internalized propaganda, done anything irl, or even read their own stated political theory.

This is an expression of the general political ignorance promoted by liberalism as well as the false consciousness that directs hostility everywhere but the ruling class.

[–] Terrarium@hexbear.net 48 points 1 month ago

The people throwing around "tankie" like this are nearly universally unaware of even their own stated political theoretical background. They hold these views because they have absorbed liberal anticommunism, including the anticommunism that their ideological predecessors absorbed and published about, like anti-Soviet propaganda that some US anarchists embraced in the 30s. Generally speaking, their complaints are not based in any coherent criticism that is actually rooted in political theory. So their entire complaint is often as ridiculoys as labeling people as authoritarian and leveraging this as a thinking-terminating cliché and throwing a tantrum when the absurdity is pointed out.

For example, there are several comments in that linked thread that are blanket declarations against hierarchy and calling themselves anarchist. There haa never been an anarchist collective that actually did anything that did not have hierarchy and being blanket opposed to all hierarchy is not, historically, an actual anarchist position. Instead, they have historically embraced a critique of hierarchy and seek to dismantle those that are unjust and most oppressive is the common theme, e.g. fighting capitalists and capitalism.

These are the "anarchists" that are just liberals with an aesthetic, not our comrades that work to dismantle oppression. They are appropriators of the tradition and are even hostile to it when you aak them to read about it. Hell, they complain about the Red Army's suppression of Makhnovschina but get angry when you suggest reading publications by those in the Black Army when it doesn't completely support their anticommunism.

They can be reached but I've only seen this irl when actual anarchists correct them.

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