[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 4 points 5 months ago

It's the other way around. The YAML schema supports JSON because YAML was designed as a superset of JSON.

@Lynxtickler @canpolat

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 2 points 7 months ago

Oh absolutely. I can think of several situations where that wouldn't work well or at all, for example, a switch statement that sets up variables to be used in the rest of the function.

@zib @UnRelatedBurner @programming

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 3 points 7 months ago

Also, good luck using switch without any breaks, but I'm guessing that's not quite what your teacher had in mind.

The teacher, probably: “You must always put a switch in its own function! Then use return at the end of each case.”

@zib @UnRelatedBurner @programming

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 5 points 9 months ago

@btaf45 @mspencer712 The whole point of Scrum is to use the retrospective to stop doing what doesn't work and start doing what does.

At one point, when my team's workload changed to less-timeboxable work, we threw out the entire concept of sprints and just used kanban instead, and stayed like that for a year. We still did retrospectives on the old sprint cadence though.

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 3 points 9 months ago

@verdare @lysdexic they are, but you have to be an enterprise customer.



RTOS are not going to become consumer operating systems, because there's too much value in selling it as a capability to enterprise customers (who are largely the consumers who REQUIRE a RTOS, rather than it merely being a convenience).

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 2 points 10 months ago

@sbstp @bouh I can just see people giving fecetious answers to this question.

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 6 points 10 months ago

Python has had syntax support for type annotations for a while now. The Python runtime doesn't enforce the typing at all, but it can be enforced by a linter or by your IDE. And I believe you can introspect the type annotations at runtime, because they are actually part of the syntax.

There's even an alternative way of doing type annotations through specially formatted comments, just in case you might still need to write code that is backwards compatible with Python 2.

@escapesamsara @navi @programming

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 3 points 10 months ago

@JackbyDev oh damn wish I'd thought of that

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 34 points 10 months ago

@wth @Spyros We need one universal graphical tool kit that works everywhere!

GTK: Hi, I heard you're looking fo—

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 1 points 10 months ago

@snowe It's got its quirks. For example, if I am replying to someone who's not on programming.dev then I have to make sure to tag @programming (or another account on the instance) in order for my post to still federate to your server, otherwise only the person I'm replying to would see my reply and it wouldn't show in comments.

I did discover that adding the tag as a trailing reply to a missing comment thread will cause the entire reply chain to federate, so that's neat.

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 2 points 10 months ago

@snowe a very common reason with Google products, I've found; up to and including not wanting to provide that product anymore.

[-] TerrorBite@meow.social 2 points 10 months ago

@snowe Typing the character. With GBoard it's switch to numbers+symbols then press and hold a number (in this case 1) to access fractions and superscripts.


Holy shit they kicked

they kicked the tankies out of @196 🔥🎆🏳️‍⚧️

cucumber_irl (medias.meow.social)



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