None. It is never acceptable imho.

We do not choose where we are born or the social class we are born into. Forcing someone to sacrifice their life in the name of an entity they did not choose, likely have no/limited loyalty for, or might even be actively oppressed by - is wrong.

Looking in my settings landing page, I see ads for MS365, Copilot, and OneDrive.

[-] 199 points 2 weeks ago
  • and X has threatened to take them to court to seek the return of the funds plus interest

Doubt it. Call their bluff. They'd lose so much more to legal/court fees than they'd ever get back. X is just looking for a quick cash injection.

[-] 195 points 2 weeks ago

And so begins "Line must go up" and the inevitable enshittification .

[-] 190 points 3 weeks ago

This is just flatout theft. This is stealing of customer property. Incredible.

[-] 117 points 3 weeks ago

On the plus side, the industry is rapidly moving towards locally-run AI models specifically because they don't want to purchase and run fleets of these absurd things or any other expensive hardware.

[-] 289 points 1 month ago

Not surprising. They archive information that powerful people would rather we forget.

[-] 156 points 1 month ago

New AI technology promises to-

Hmm, where have I heard this before...

[-] 127 points 1 month ago

It's almost like it's a requirement for every landscaping company to use the most noisy, ear destroying, gas-powered leaf blower that they can buy that can be heard from 2 city blocks over.

Neglect - 3D (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

A little something I whipped up to stress test my new workstation PC while in-between bigger projects. Made in Blender and Photoshop! :D

[-] 123 points 2 months ago

Like when tech companies forced "Cloud" everything upon us in the early 2010's, and then the digital home assistant craze that followed after.

These things are not meant for us. Sure some people will enjoy or benefit from them in some way, but their primary function is to appease shareholders and investors and drum up cash. It's why seemingly every company is desperately looking for ways to shoehorn "AI" into their products even if it's completely nonsensical.

[-] 174 points 2 months ago

Excited to see Discord do absolutely nothing about this despite it being an egregious breach of their TOS.


I picked up this old calculator from a thrift store for $25. I cleaned it up and got it working again and decided it would make for a cool thing to model, especially with the VFD tubes! My model is not perfectly 1:1 to the original but I tried to make it match where it counts. This model was a lot of fun to make and I am very happy with how it turned out! Made in Blender and Substance Painter.

Mushy (3D) - By Me (

A little close up macro scene I put together in Blender! I usually do expansive vistas or interiors so this was a nice change of pace for me.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

Remaking one of my very first 3D scenes with my modern skills and knowledge. I think it turned out alright! Thank you for looking :D

Made in Blender and Substance Painter with editing in Photoshop.

Winter Wonder (3D) - by me (

Been a while since I made something snowy in Blender! Turned out decently, I think. I usually do pictures with stronger, more direct sunlight so it was cool to do a semi-overcast scene. Made in Blender with light touching up in Photoshop!


A sort of thought-exercise-turned-artproject encouraged by my therapist. Not exactly how I imagined it when I started but that is usually how these go. Made in Blender with editing in Photoshop. Thanks for looking :D

[-] 111 points 7 months ago

It does not help that many new vehicles are built like shit and have complexity for the sake of complexity. Electronic door latches, pop-out door handles, having everything controlled via a clunky, outdated, atrocious GUI, etc etc. These problems are not unique to EV's but a lot of EV's are going to have them just because they are brand new vehicles.

Ashore - by Me (3D Art) (

My newest 3D piece I finished up this morning. Made in Blender with some mild editing in Photoshop afterwards. Thanks for lookin! :D


My latest thingy made in Blender with light post processing done in Photoshop!

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joined 1 year ago