
joined 7 months ago
[–] -2 points 6 months ago

There is a difference between racism and generalizations. If you meet 20 South Africans, and 18 are racist, not taking that info into account is foolish. It becomes racism when you start saying the other 2 must also be racist. But it would not be racist to assume that a 21st person you meet will be racist unless shown otherwise.

[–] -3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (8 children)

Do you actually think I'm a Russian agent? You sound actually serious, are you actually not just deflecting when your beliefs are challenged? Haven't I written like 10-20 paragraphs to you explaining exactly what my reasoning is? Why would a Russian agent ever do that? Is it worth Russias money to have an agent write 10-20 paragraphs to one single person who clearly can't have their mind changed? They would have been hitting you with endless logical fallacies and gone the "just asking questions" route. And even moreso, they wouldn't have wasted as much time writing as I did.

People on this site call me a Russian agent constantly, it is beyond absurd. I swear to God, Russia got so much more mileage out of idiot libs they don't even pay calling others shills, than they ever did out of anybody they actually paid to do it. They probably paid like 10 guys for a week 4 years ago, and then just let you guys run with it to make them appear to be everywhere. Now some other dumbass is going to see your comment calling a guy who's never even left North America a shill, and he will be convinced that I actually was, so then when he sees someone else making literally any argument he disagrees with, he thinks it's actually reasonable to think every socialist is a shill.

What I'm saying is, you're literally the one falling for russian disinformation here, and it is both hilariously ironic, and deeply troubling. Like, you saw another lib call a socialist a Russian agent, so now you believe they actually exist, and thus this other socialist, me, is clearly also a Russian agent. It's just turtles all the way down.

Please start questioning your beliefs more, liberalism is literally the stupidest possible belief system when you actually stop to think about it. The whole thing relies on an insane assumption that the status quo is as good as things will ever be. And also that infinite growth using finite resources is actually possible.

[–] -1 points 6 months ago

Afaik, Biden could not possibly have gotten out of Afghanistan in 2-3 months without actual moves that were made by the trump admin.

Idk how the drone strike issue lines up, but I mean, at least the ones trump did hit military personnel. Obama went after all of: an American citizen, a wedding, and a hospital. Trump could certainly be worse than Obama on that though.

It's not like I want to vote for trump. I'm just obviously going to pick the doofus con artist over the guy currently committing a genocide. I would vote for trump over Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot too, to be clear. Yeah, trump might just keep doing it. But he also might not. And we know Joe ain't gonna do shit to end it.

[–] -1 points 6 months ago

He supports Israel less fervently than Biden, who until a week ago was giving them "full throated support". The trump quote doesn't imply Israel needs to finish the job with our bombs. In fact, I would tend to key in on the word "finish". I think he wants to end it. I mean, consider how little we have all been talking about him comparatively ever since 10/7. He might just end the war so we all go back to talking about him 24/7. It's literally Trump's least favorite thing in the world: something not about him which he cannot profit off of. I'm not saying he's gonna suddenly do the right thing and just assassinate every Israeli politician and general, but I think Gaza will be in less danger if trump is president and the war hawks in DC don't get everything they ask for.

A coup isn't as bad as genocide. We survived the first one after all.

[–] 23 points 6 months ago (3 children)

It helps a lot for the burgers that there are now actually good fake meat options. Before the Impossible burger you basically had to lie to yourself to think fake meat was equivalent.

[–] 37 points 6 months ago

"How did a bunch of Jews come to have been genocided? Were fascists involved?"

What? I've done nothing wrong! I'm just asking questions!

[–] -1 points 6 months ago (1 children)

That's not what I suggested at all. Its obviously possible though. Do you not know what the words "could" or "possibly" mean? They don't mean probable.

[–] -2 points 6 months ago (10 children)

Reading anything trump says and acting like it should make sense is dishonest. He talks like a person (a very, very weird person), not a machine focused only on sound bites, and as a result you get that nonsense. You and I talk the same way to an extent, we just don't have a microphone on us 24/7.

[–] -2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Well, trump is a lot worse, but he hasn't committed a genocide. So that makes it pretty close but in Trump's favor. Why would trump increase aid to Israel? He doesn't stand to make any money off it. We know how trump operates. He just wants to make money and have people talk about him. He is probably the most predictable president in living memory. The reason I think he'd pull back on aid to Israel is that he got us out of Afghanistan, and was the first president in 50 years not to start a new war. Dating back to 1945, it's only him, Carter, and Ford. We obviously can't rely on his words, but actions speak louder anyway. So, why do I think it? It's what he did last time. To be fair though, he will most likely try another coup.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Oh and just so you are aware, pretty much everything Israel has said in the last year has been found to be a lie, so you really can't be taking anything they say as a fact. It's probably more reliable to take it as a reverse fact, actually.

[–] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Okay let's get some facts down, because you are sorely lacking them.

  1. Britain stole what is now Israel from Palestine in 1948. Palestine is older. There's a strong argument that all of Israel is still Palestine, seeing as Palestine never agreed to it.

  2. For 30 years prior to 10/7, Israel carried out a siege of Gaza, for all intents and purposes. Gazans could not leave to receive life saving medical care without permission, they could not build water pipes without the IDF bombing them, they could not bring in food from outside because Israel was rationing the number of calories they allowed in, and they could not build hospitals featuring any level of technology because Israel prevented all tech from coming in (not just weapons, all technology more complex than a flip phone).

  3. Genocide is an ongoing concept. The fact that Jews exist today is not evidence that the Holocaust didn't happen. If a group sees 5 million births every year, it is still genocide to kill 2 million of them per year.

It is frankly absurd that you think you know more about this than I do, while getting all of these basic facts wrong. You obviously haven't researched this at all, so why do you think you are some expert on it? I certainly didn't know the 3 facts I laid out above before doing any research, nobody does. So why are you convinced you just happen to possess correct knowledge of a highly complex situation innately? Nobody has ever been right about anything worth thinking about before researching anything on the subject, I promise it's not just you.

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