[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

Oh, great. Now the malware fucking evolves.

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

Admittedly I have made and make the mistake mentioned a lot.

I do try not to assume it's about me but when the majority of input from complete strangers (never from anyone who actually understood me like family or friends) in 2017 seemed to be criticism about me and believing so destroyed my life it's hard not to be bitter and simply say...

"I don't even care whether it's about me or not, because you are all telling everyone via everything from Gravity Falls and Once Upon A Time to Changeling: The Lost 1e to Homestuck and Undertale to Calvinism and a certain rant by a certain lolcow coughRobert Pellonicough that they have to 'grow up' without giving even the slightest reason other than 'childishness is true evil' (yes, it sounds insane but that's the message you give when your hero's greatest foe is always a child who is basically the devil) so I am right to actively resent society itself for telling me that being yourself is invalid if you're a childish person" because at the very least I was not a bad person."

I didn't let my youthful inner POV make me insufferable (I've done my best to fix that since 2015 as well as accepting that basically every Discord writing server is permanently off limits to me, and nobody is calling me a hassle IRL right now) or bratty or like a spoiled rich idiot, but thanks to the above shit I went through I now have actual PTSD and I don't even know what the trigger is, just that I seem to have some and certain things set it off.

I had ONE dream, to be a writer, but now that is impossible because I am unable to think of my audience as anything but a crowd of adversaries willing to read my work only to attack whatever I wrote because nobody believes in technology or happy conclusions or that killing actual child characters JUST for shock value means you are not a writer but a goddamn marketer and you should not be writing stories because it is extremely disturbing to be three episodes in when Travellers drops the dead kids bombshell, instead of the first episode so that at least you know what you're getting into instead of feeling betrayed.

I know it's not always about me, but why is it NEVER about me, not for even just a little while? Why does everybody else get a fucking soapbox on the internet and I'm the exception only because I don't have a social trend to back me up? I'm not going to take your soapbox, but you won't let me have one and until you do I will resent anything that - if reapplied to me - makes me feel like you think my very soul is invalid just because my way of looking at the world is so different from literally everyone on the fediverse it seems.

I say nice things and I do mean them. I just need you to all know I do it because the internet was my life and now I have no life and even when I spent the past 8 years trying to rebuild my life, circumstances mean I was doomed to fail and this? This is like breaking someone's kneecaps and then telling them they need to get over it and start walking again.

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

If he lost a kid who liked that show, that certainly would explain it. His story sounds so sad, if true, I can't imagine what that would be like...

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

Is he an Ancient Greek time traveller or something? I swear, that would make for a kickass movie. "You all know the guy. Or girl. That one person in your town, or one of those people if it's a city, in the impossible urban legend. They're weird, possibly nice, possibly just creepy, probably mentally damaged." montage of the other examples "This is ours. We called him the artist. Pretty mild, he just sat in coffee shops and watched people walk by. One day, though, our perception of him would change. Not just in this town, but in this timeline. This... is what happens When Worlds Divide."

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

That and humans in general are all crazy in some way. "Normal" is a standard we can try to achieve, but it's neither realistic nor ideal. At some point a person is sane enough that you have to say "why criticize someone for being themselves?" instead of questioning or distrusting it.

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

And people in high places would say he's "useless" far too often. Oh well.

Glad the municipality at least recognized his efforts, I just mean that in general that doesn't happen. Really shows that town had better priorities than most.

I hope the guy is still doing okay?

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

Woah. Spooky. I hope the birds weren't in pain, Ravens are corvids and basically some of the smartest and emotionally relatable birds.

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 3 points 2 months ago

Sadly, this is literally the case; it's a genetic deformity she and other people have had from birth.

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

Wow, that... that really makes you think. No wonder UFO nuts refuse to admit Roswell was revealed as Project Mogul in the 90s, their belief might be all they have left and if that's somehow obsolete...

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 2 months ago

F-ing A! Props to him, it's a very unique look and most people can't seem to work up the courage to do more than follow trends.


Otherwise in 10 years we may not have a place to find tech support resources.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by ToyDork@sh.itjust.works to c/anerdydystopia@sh.itjust.works

~~Unfortunately, not every dystopian element of real life is caused by corpo-jerks. Sometimes the full truth is inescapably fucking awful even before money gets involved.~~

Got confused somehow, sorry about that. I must have had this tab open and mistook it for one of my "bad news suitable for Nerdy Cyberpunk Dystopia" tabs.


Hinobi Technologies: The Future is Fun!

I'm just a fan of Glitch Techs, and noticed the loose suitability of this community fort this post. We now return to your regularly-scheduled Fediverse activity.


Oh great, more bad news about hardware prices...

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by ToyDork@sh.itjust.works to c/anerdydystopia@sh.itjust.works

I can only hope it goes no further because f*** the corpos, I want to write for a living and actually provide quality.


Actually, this sounds pretty cool to experiment with.


Yeah, see if I continue spending ANY money on Minecraft if you win this, ~~Blizzard~~ ~~Activision~~ Micro$oft.


"Well, at least some corporations aren't always evil by default..."


"Arr! I be using me talk like a pirate day avatar voicemod profile because me calendar can't decide what holiday it be today!"


We need less solar and more cyber in our punks if we're going to actually save ourselves as a species without destroying nature; corporations profit from climate change, they're the ones that directly cause the vast majority of it on purpose...

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

To be fair, I use a simple smartlock whose only purpose is so I alone can unlock my bedroom door without needing my physical key duplicated for others to enter at desired times.

To also be fair, I have a hodgepodge of smarthome lights and plugs linked via ifttt that I am now worried will not have any replacement option in 15 years. Maybe I made a mistake, but I do actually have a need to rely on a smartswitch to turn off the lights when I leave home.

[-] ToyDork@sh.itjust.works 2 points 11 months ago

Trump made phone calls to Republicans in Florida to "find more votes" in 2016. That's legally considered voter fraud. AFAIK, committing voter fraud, regardless of outcomes, is supposed to disqualify you from the running.

I get that I'm not citationing any of this, so sue me. Wikipedia this ain't. I'm just pointing out that to my knowledge, Trump committed voting fraud (in addition to the Cambridge Analytica targeted campaign ads stuff) in both elections. Even if that doesn't disqualify him or have a noticeable effect on the election results, no one would have voted for him if they knew he would try to outright cheat, and even if they couldn't have known until he did, he wouldn't have been able to usurp the throne (so to speak) if the American public knew about the fraud during the counting process.

The worst part about it is that he had everyone (including myself) believing Hilary had embezzled money while she was Treasurer only for the investigation into it to turn up nothing for the entirety of Trump's stolen time and during the Biden Administration.

Don't quote me on any of that, I'll double-check all that and keep my mouth shut if it turns out I'm wrong. Just, as far as I'm aware, realize that I have heard a lot about the above incidents, so either multiple people on different websites and IRL ranging from close friends to complete strangers were saying things fuelled by rumors that were not contradicting each other's false reporting, or the American system isn't just broken but compromised.

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