[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 60 points 1 week ago

First of all, that guy looks like shit for a 34 year old. Doesn't look like the hair plugs took as well as he hoped.

Secondly..... This guy just went through like eight years of school and like ten of residency and fellowship to be a surgeon, and he just threw away his whole damn life to own the libs.

No hospital with an operating room is ever going to allow this guy to practice, even if he somehow gets away with a slap on the wrist. This is the exact type of scenario that hospitals dread. Texas Childrens is going to be sued, especially since they let him access patient information after he finished his rotation. I also think there are fines for the facility where a HIPAA violation occurred.

What a loser.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 58 points 2 weeks ago

Well, it makes sense considering Russia has done nothing to stop Azerbaijan from attacking Armenia.

But why would Russia, which I'm told is a great anti-imperialist force, side with Azerbaijan over a country they have a defense pact with?

Surely it wouldn't be because of something as materialistic as oil...... Somewhere in Moscow there is a think tank frantically thinking of a way to blame this on NATO.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 61 points 3 weeks ago

This is unfortunately not super uncommon. Older patients, especially women in palliative care are sometimes so close to death that the transition can be hard to detect. Things like heart rate and breathing can be so faint and slow that it can be extremely difficult to detect without equipment usually not found in most nursing homes. And when the patient is in this state, they can physically appear to be deceased.

That, and end of life care is horrible in America. It's so profit driven that the facilities only hire the legally mandated amount of licenced professional to operate.

I work in orthopedics and rehabilitation, and a large part of my last job was providing specialty care at nursing homes. I've had the unfortunate experience showing up to a nursing home and finding my patient deceased when the employees just thought they were sleeping.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 61 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

with frens

I think this needs an asterisk, pretty sure South Korea and the Philippines would be happy if Japan and China somehow simultaneously destroyed each other.

Edit: astrix to asterisk. Sorry, English isn't my first language. I mean it's been my primary for nearly 30 years, but it's still a bitch sometimes.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 61 points 1 month ago

This is kinda funny, but extremely fake. I'm a second generation immigrant. I can attest that obtaining a credit card without citizenship is basically impossible, and very difficult even with a green card.

Also, when people from Asia travel they usually have dual currency credit cards that work very well in their country and the west. All the major financial organizations have offices in China. Hell you can get a dual currency card from the bank of China in MasterCard or Visa.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 60 points 2 months ago

The problem is that Elons con man routine is the only reason Tesla is so overvalued. I'm sure they are afraid that if they let him go the stock price would readjust to a reasonable market price.

No matter what you think of him, he is brilliant at conning a tech enthusiast's money out of their wallets.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 87 points 3 months ago

It's hard to do with slate tiled roofs. The slates have to overlap to keep water out and the tiles aren't flexible. So when you get to a corner you basically start the layering process over again.

They sell corner pieces for slate, but they're pricey. So you typically see them do metal flashing in the corners, or some fancy tiling like in the post.

I'm guessing they just did the corners in this post, the rest of the roof looks older. Probably just replacing some bad flashing with something more permanent.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 74 points 3 months ago

Just ran into this like a week ago with a wood working video. "How to flatten a board without a planer!". The whole premise was that planers are expensive, so here a little trick for hobbyist........ The next scene was them using a router table jig that's like 5x more expensive then any planer.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 62 points 5 months ago

I don't know fuck all about the way these things work. But I do know I trust my doctor because she has been through all the education and has a decade plus of being a family health doctor.

Tbh this is the same reasoning that medical providers utilize for their own healthcare. I specialize in orthopedics and rehabilitation......

Yes I know more than the average Joe, but med school was a long time ago, and you aren't really proficient in a field you aren't actively practicing.

When I want to know if a vaccine is safe and medically necessary I look to my esteemed colleagues from the department of infectious disease. I don't really see how anyone with an MD behind their name can really attempt to fool themselves that they know more about a disease and how to treat it than the entirety of specialized departments.

If my buddies from infectious disease are taking a vaccine, I'm not going to second guess it. To me, it's the equivalent of seeing a bomb tech sprinting away from a ied, and then deciding that there's no rush because you've never seen a bomb go off before.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 55 points 6 months ago

Nobody, which is why poly is exclusively for people with a scheduling kink.

But yeah, I've never met a poly person who would bring three of their partners to a single event and introduce them all as their girlfriends. In fact, I don't think I've ever met a poly who calls their partners "girlfriend".

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 69 points 7 months ago

The goal is clear, but the system was designed to withstand the blow.

The system was largely designed over two hundred years ago, and fascism was designed to take advantage of its inadequacies.

The Weimar Republic was modeled after the American government, and fell to the same gridlock and political schisms we are seeing happen today.

The system does not have a way to hamper fascism because fascism is a revolutionary force. The goal isn't to command the current government, but to destroy it and replace it with another.

As I see it, their only real goal is to make the government so dysfunctional that the people will demand a strong man to come and fix it all. And I think most people will say they've been doing a fine job at that.

[-] TranscendentalEmpire@lemm.ee 58 points 9 months ago

Think of the opportunity for progress though...... first woman senator, and first corpse senator. I really think we can sell this bridge!

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