[-] TrenGoblin@lemmy.ca 14 points 3 weeks ago

What really grinds my gears about most incels is that most of them just want to be in a relationship with women just so they can have sex with them.

They should just shut up and pay a prostitute to fuck them instead of complaining about how they're lonely and sexless.


Seriously it really grinds my gears that the Canadian government thinks that 16 years olds are mature and intelligent enough to drive a car, work a full-time job, pay taxes, apply for a passport, and are able to live independently on their own without a parent or guardian if they want to and get married with parent consent.

But when it comes to voting the Canadian thinks 16 year olds are not mature and intelligent enough to vote. Its completely ridiculous in my opinion.

[-] TrenGoblin@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 month ago

Straight incest between a brother and a sister is only morally okay if they're both are consenting adults and the brother gets a vasectomy so that they can't have any kids together.

[-] TrenGoblin@lemmy.ca 0 points 1 month ago

I think two twin brothers who are both consenting adults being in an incestuous relationship with each other is gross, weird and not natural. But it is still morally okay for them to be in an incestuous relationship with eachother because what they are doing is completely harmless.

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