[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 36 points 1 month ago

Had one application that would (somethings) give the message: Hey baby, you're an object.

Some users where not amused.

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 32 points 1 month ago

What are we going to do tomorrow night Brain?

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 78 points 7 months ago

I have a good friend that works with these nut cases daily.

I call them nut cases because about 70% of them keep taking about how they need to violate their oath to the US Constitution to (in their exclusive opinion) "protect the country for the deep state".

The US government is way too stupid to either develop a "deep state" or keep it secret.

Conspiracy theories are rampant in the US military.

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 18 points 8 months ago

The kid needs a lawyer willing to crawl so far up there assess they can count their teeth from behind.

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 13 points 8 months ago

Yeah, my coworkers said how great it would have been after the Colorado movie theater shooting (Batman movie) if everyone was armed. They just knew the original shooter would have been killed right away.


  1. Dark theater
  2. Smoke filled (by shooter)
  3. Bullets suddenly flying

Who in their right mind thinks basically everyone wouldn't have been mowed down in a hail of gun fire?

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 40 points 9 months ago

This brings back memories.

When I was in university, I worked in the computer services department (IT services for the campus). A social science prof down the hall would use a program called SPSS (Statistics Package for Social Sciences) to do various statistics on data sets.

It was available on two platforms: PC & VAX

The PC had about 4 MB of RAM. The VAX (a large centralized computer) had much more (not sure the amount, but I'm guessing around 256 MB at least). The data sets they were using would sometimes require more RAM to process than the PC had (even with swap space), and would give an "out of memory" error.

They always came down the hall and would ask us what to do. The answer was always the same, "Some combination of: get more RAM/swap space for the PC, shrink the data set, simplify the complexity of the query or run it on the VAX server."

They finally started saying, "We connect to VAX, get more memory?"

I don't know if they thought using telnet to connect to the VAX actually caused the local PC to gain RAM or not but it was an inside pun for the department for a couple of years ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) .

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 12 points 9 months ago

Damn, he dodged a bullet there! (tell me he didn't marry her after that).

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 22 points 9 months ago

x1,000,000,000. WTF is happening to our country?

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 14 points 9 months ago

So . . . we need to alert the rest of the world how to get their stuff back from the British Museum. Got it.

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 28 points 9 months ago

As a farmer who's family has grown probably 2M+ bushes of soybeans since they became popular in the 70s. I can truly say that the worst part is spending night after night with little needles injecting the Republican poison into the fattest beans.

/s - do I really need this here? Oh hell yeah!

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 14 points 9 months ago

In my US state, you can be fired for "no reason" also.

The US doesn't have any real worker protections. And one political party in particular is trying their damnedest to remove the few we do.

[-] Trigger2_2000@sh.itjust.works 36 points 10 months ago

Farming - family has been doing it for ~5 generations. I'd say we have put in about $10 M dollars over time (adjusted for inflation).

What's that dear? It's a way of life/occupation . . . are you sure? Seems like it must be a hobby given the return we've made on it over the years. Well, if you're sure.

My wife said that farming is technically an occupation and not a hobby. I still have my doubts given how much we have thrown away on it over the years, but I don't like to disagree with her (she's usually right).

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