
joined 1 year ago
[–] 5 points 2 months ago


25k+ users, we do practically zero moderation. Surprisingly it's pretty damn civil and great.


It's been on the back-burner for a bit but it's time that I get on it and register our operation as a on-profit organization. We will be registering under the BC Societies Act. Completing this registration will allow for opening up a bank account under the organization's name and reopen donations and have the previously donated funds transferred from to the organization.

To this date since taking over operations of I have personally covered the costs and have not been reimbursed to keep accounting as clean as possible. This will continue until registration has been completed.

First step to this is picking a name to register the Society under. Requirements for the name can be found here.

While the initial main purpose of the society/organization will be operating we would prefer a name that would be fit for operations of other open communication platforms as well as other potential projects that we may want to participate in in the future. Something somewhat open ended.

Please give us some suggestions and we will take the suggestions under advisement when picking a name.

Further information on non-profit registration in BC can be found here.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I never had COVID until everyone stopped caring about it. I'm on my 4th time having now.

Do not recommend.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago


Posted from 0.18.2

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

This post will remain pinned until a interested moderator takes this community on.

Please reply to this comment and or DM me if you're interested in taking on this community.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm in favor and willing to help

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If you can't find one quick enough let me know and we'll take it over on administration side until someone comes forward.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I'll send you a message

[–] 16 points 1 year ago

Thanks for the kind words. We try our best, and we owe a lot to for setting the right tone got the instance to start with!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Does all reports goes through the instance’s admins? From what I understand, it’s all the reports from local users in all communities, remote and local?

  • We get all reports made by local users regardless of if the community is local or not.
  • We get all reports made regarding local communities or local users regardless of if the report is made by a local or remote users.
  • I'm 99.9% certain we don't see reports if there isn't a local user involved in any way with the report. (Ex. Remote users makes a report on a post/comment posted on a remote community by a remote user)

Are they also provided to the mods of the community where the reports originated from?


For communities hosted through another instance, are these reports also sent to the admins of that instance, what about the mods in that remote community?


It gets really complex how reports get cleared after they've been actioned or cleared in various scenarios. For the most part actions we take against local users or submissions on local communities will also be reflected on other instances. Actions taken on on remote users or submissions on remote communities only reflect for those browsing through and admins/mods of other instances/remote communities still need to take their own separate action.

Edit: We generally will not take action regarding content on remote communities that violate the remote community's rules. We are mostly concerned about things that break our instance rules and leave it for moderators of remote communities to deal with those. We will still see the reports, and it's important to make the reports so remote admins/mods can take action on them. We simply "resolve" or clear those reports from our local mod queue which still leaves it visible for the remote admins/mods.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Can you reach out to me over matrix or discord? Admins of would like to collaborate with 3rd party app developers like your self.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thank you,

As an administrator who gets every report made by a local user in all communities, and reports made by remote users on local communities, having to try and figure out why someone reported the content can be rather time consuming.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Pretty much every instance was having federation issues with due to their server just being overloaded. It's significantly improved but I'm not sure if it's 100% perfect yet. has been subject to multiple reports from our users over the last while.

We would like the users' input on how to deal with it. It is the opinion of the administrators that, and doesn't add anything positive and constitutes spam. We especially want to make sure we get feedback as we are more likely to be sensitive to bots like this and other forms of spam compared to most users as we'll often scroll through "All" sorted by new.

Here are the options.

Please vote by up voting on one of the comments below. Downvotes will be ignored. Additional comments and discussion is more than welcome. Results of this discussion will provide us guidance on how to deal with other bots in the future as well.

If you're not a registered user, please refrain from voting but feel free to comment with your opinion.

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