[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 127 points 5 months ago

Downright bizarre that corporations can demand such an extent of a lifetime punishment for non-violent crimes. Truly the law only serves the rich...

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 91 points 7 months ago

Is anyone believing they would not have layoffs anyway? They are likely just trying to pin their cost-cutting plans on game devs who protested against their ridiculous scheme. Comes to mind that the money their clients were already paying is the money that would have paid for those employees' wages.

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 54 points 8 months ago

The Wast af Us 2

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 70 points 9 months ago

Alright, I see the issue. Even then that's not technically true. I would say it's not user friendly, but CS:GO is still counted as a previous version of CS 2, and you can access and host older versions of Valve games. Here's a guide for that.

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 92 points 9 months ago

What are you talking about?

Not only Counter Strike: GO is over 10 years old, Valve games can be hosted with Valve's official blessing even when they drop support. There are still people who play Counter Strike 1.6 today. This is nothing like what Blizzard did to Overwatch.

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 62 points 9 months ago

WTF??? Monetized sexual harassment?!?!

What is even parody anymore?

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 60 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

What a ridiculous society we live in that someone can be so rich that they get to threaten people with a gun and don't get arrested. What an unhinged asshole he is.

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 117 points 9 months ago

This might kill entire indie projects.

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 115 points 9 months ago

Tech companies badly need to get their shit kicked in to stop with this "I have the right to change the terms unilaterally anytime"

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 67 points 9 months ago

Guilty for advocating for public health concerns during a pandemic? What sort of insane land has become the US

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 58 points 9 months ago

He is obviously biased by his business interests, but frankly he is ultimately correct. Once consoles are digital only, console players will lose the last form of control they have over anything they own.

[-] TwilightVulpine@kbin.social 76 points 11 months ago

COO says coming benchmarks will show anti-piracy tech has no performance impact.

They do decryption and network calls during runtime. Computers are not magic, you cannot do additional processing, call on external resources and not have a performance impact. I will never trust when they say this, not once ever. They have a vested interest in convincing people of this even if it's simply not possible.

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