[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 1 points 2 days ago

There are probably newer ones that come with LiPos. But every consumer grade one I've seen is traditional lead acid batteries.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 22 points 3 days ago

...(it is kinda like a bomb after all)...

WAT? I've never heard a UPS referred to as "kinda like a bomb" before.

Keep your UPS maintained, replace the batteries when they age out, and it will be fine. If your UPS supports automated self-tests, use them.

My employer has UPS units spread all over the region we operate in, and we don't have any issues, despite leaving them mostly unattended for years. I have several in my house and I've never given them a second thought aside from battery replacements.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 27 points 2 weeks ago

The ID on the phone thing is weird. Like I’m gonna give my phone to a cop when they ask for my ID. That’s a nope from me.

That just seems like a privacy nightmare. No one touches my phone. There’s way too much personal info on there to hand over to anyone, much less cops.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 32 points 2 months ago

That doesn't make it right.

And not everyone can dump Windows for Linux. We run a lot of software that requires Windows. Changing is impractical if not impossible.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 111 points 4 months ago

"No lawful way..."

I just finished saving backups of the games I bought using my (hackable) Switch, and I'm planning on setting it up w/ Yuzu on my Steam Deck.

And no one's going to stop me from fairly using my stuff.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 53 points 5 months ago

No official, public explanation. We know why...

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 48 points 6 months ago

I was among those worrying about range until I spent 5 minutes thinking about what I actually do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

We'd still have my wife's ICE van, we both work from home, and 99% of the time my work-related travel is local (within 5 miles). My wife's van can pull the camper for our camping trips, or for our longer drives.

I have no good reason not to get an EV for my next car.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 77 points 6 months ago

The untested legal gambit is a last-ditch effort to bar the candidacy of an ex-president who ~~remains popular with his base~~ instigated an insurrection against the nation and constitution he swore to uphold.

FIFY...his popularity is not the issue here. It never was. It's about actions he took, and what the law says happens at this point. I don't care how much his base loves him. We can see that even today, after all the history we have, people still support Hitler. People are fucking idiots, but that's not illegal. Inciting an insurrection is, however.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 29 points 6 months ago

Better option, have a good contract in place.

Obligatory Mike Montiero video "Fuck you, pay me" - https://youtu.be/jVkLVRt6c1U

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 29 points 8 months ago

It's a long shot, but I hope that they keep the exposure notification framework and work with the CDC/appropriate orgs around the world to make it a generic exposure notification. The technical feature is impressive, and the usefulness (with proper adoption) would be high for the various occasions where other communicable diseases pop up. It seems easy enough to have a generic app to add the various diseases and their incubation/transmission windows to allow others to be notified.

But, because people are whiny fucks, it'll die and we'll be in a rush to reimplement it for the next thing that comes up.

Even if it did exist in an ideal state, people would still not use it, because people suck.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 37 points 10 months ago

I hear your annoyance, and I get it, because the "real" question is "How do I stop this from ever happening again on Windows?"

But the bottom line is, no matter what workaround or registry fix is found, nothing stops MS from making changes and popping this crap up yet again in some other obnoxious and shitty way.

If you run Windows, you have to accept some level of this bullshittery.

[-] UID_Zero@infosec.pub 38 points 11 months ago

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

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