
joined 3 months ago
[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 11 points 3 months ago


[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 months ago (8 children)


Ive never actually seen the whole video with sound.

That is so ridiculous!

I mean she’s obviously lying. But also yeah we all have insecurities and sometimes we are very irrational about them.

But to put that shit for everyone to see?! To cry about it as an adult woman? And to actually be like “its hardd, its really hard”. How embarrassing.

Like yeah fuckin a’, I would also love to look (for real real) like the “perfect version of myself”. But to literally make that video while jutting your lips and jaw out. Sigh.

If my mom or my friend made a video like that, I would be getting them help.

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 8 points 3 months ago (7 children)

🍒 picking, ey? Tis the season.

No I don’t think people should film any “regular” citizen wihout their consent. She made herself a public figure. Frankly they should have gotten closer and filmed her where she could see it. I bet she would have posed. And fuckin plz. Minors? You couldn’t see anything in that video. You could barely tell who Sarah was. 🙄

And as has been pointed out it was taken down.

Why does it fall on the aggrieved party to always be courteous and polite, when the one who aggravates is none of those things.

Srsly. Why are you here

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 12 points 3 months ago (7 children)

They can do whatever they want. But they made their $ off their audience. So when they “give back” to their community/audience they should do better.

And if this was the only questionable thing they did it would be a non-issue. But it’s not. So then it is. 🤷🏼‍♀️.

And yes sometimes people do bitch for the sake of bitching. Or snark for the sake of snarking. Doesn’t mean there is nothing of substance to be negative about.

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 16 points 3 months ago (12 children)

Why are you here? Just to try to defend her?

People have said that constantly whipping out her fupa and making bedrooms eyes at the camera, while having her children shown in the next reel/story(especially v young child in private moments) is sick. It is. Her saying consent is annoying is wrong. It is. It has been proven that her clips, a long with clips of her young child show up on porn sites. She knows this. But doesn’t care because it gets views.

People have also commented she looks too hyped up from soda. And her pupils look huge. Thats whatever, pupils can be big for many reasons. And ppl can be hyper naturally as well. No one is accusing her of anything to her face or on her page. Ppl are allowed opinions on a snark page, even if they are wrong (I think she is just hyper cuz she is).

I haven’t seen any pictures of her kids on the sub in the past year. The sub definitely cares more about her children’s privacy than she does. No contest.

No one diagnosed her. Psych lexicon is part of popular culture. And again people have opinions on the very bizarre behavior she can exhibit. Again no professional is following her and telling her she is this and that.

Someone filmed her at a PUBLIC event in a PUBLIC space. They did not go into her bathroom and film her getting undressed. She does that all by herself.

I saw ppl saying things about Shame which I did think were unfounded. But again he allows himself to be posted. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t think commenting on his looks adds anything. Not everyone has the same opinion.

Finally, everything that has been said about is based on what she puts out on public platform. She chose to be a public figure, she chose to present herself online in a way that is extremely different to reality. She made her $$$ off of her audience. Her audience has the right to have an opinion and state that opinion. They did not go to her house or film themselves saying foul shit and post it to millions of people. They made a forum on a publicly accessible site to talk amongst themselves.

Kindly get your head out of her 🍑.

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 months ago

Gawd. She is just so vapid.

Srsly. If I had her resources I would be at the very least boosting up causes I care about. She could raise so much money for any given cause. She is afraid of “backlash” if she talks about “political” topics? Fine. Raise money for animal shelters. Raise $ for homeless shelters. Raise $ for kids. Fuck. Do anything!

She can still shop while doing good things.

Not to mention the yet again giant heart shaped head with disney features. 🙄

Who are you fooling girl?

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 8 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Soo they do drink or don’t?

Cuz that’s Bacardi in the background right?

My youth! 😅

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 months ago

😬😬😬 That is special.

[–] Uhohla@lemmy.ca 6 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Man. Sarah’s outfit is something else.

And yupp “wide open faces”. 🙄

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