[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

There are only like 5 companies now so the free market is broken.

They collude to keep us poor enough to not revolt, but ‘rich’ enough to keep buying their crappy products.

If they take everything we have we won’t have anything left to give them. It’s a delicate balance that they seem to have mastered as they write our legislation.

Tipping is just another way for the corporations to reduce the overhead by having the customer pay the wages of the employee directly, reducing both the budget for salaries and also the reducing ancillary expenses like unemployment insurance and employer wage withholding, occupational privilege tax, etc.

Also, I like being called a yank. It feels old timey and kind of makes me think of masturbation.

The labor market is so fucked we have phd’s competing for a job at McDonald’s.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

When that happens, if they raise it high enough to actually do away with tipping, then that’s great. Until then, hard working poor people need their tips.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

I exist within the system. If I want a service which customarily involves a tip, that’s a part of what I signed up for.

Show me the legislation to abolish tipping while requiring employers to pay a fair wage and I’ll sign it.

Until then, if one wishes to receive a food delivery in the US, It’s sort of implied that you agreed to tip.

Giving a shit tip to a hard working poor person because you don’t like the tipping system isn’t the solution imo.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Jokes on you… the delivery fee doesn’t go to the driver. Only the tip goes to the driver. That’s how fucked up this whole situation is.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Yup. I deliberately avoid this place now and I am getting better at planning ahead so I am not in the position where I need to rely on overpriced delivery.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

In the USA the delivery drivers live off of the tips… it’s not just high school kids working a summer job. A lot of drivers are working a second job to support their families.

If you live in a major metro area in an apartment building, gain yourself a reputation for tipping decently and you won’t have to leave your apartment. Tip poorly and you will have to meet them down on the street.

It’s not something I voted for, this social contract existed long before I was here.

If I had a vote to abolish the tip system, I would. In the meantime I make sure to tip decently so that the person who gave me service can keep a roof over their head.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 29 points 3 days ago

I went online to place an order for pizza recently. Jets pizza. Everything was super overpriced and so one small pizza and 6 piece wings was $50 after tax and fees, not including tip which I usually do $10. So $60 for one person. I scoffed at the price then hit ‘submit’.

I was then hit with the ‘order does not meet minimum for delivery’. They had a $40 minimum which does not include delivery fee, tax, and tip - I was at $38 something.

I almost added some dipping sauce and sent it through but I felt so violated by the $40 minimum which was actually a $60 minimum that I just gave up.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 7 points 3 days ago

L’Association Professionnelle des Sociétés d’Assurances du Burkina?

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

I know most cops aren’t great, but burning down the police station isn’t going to be the solution.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Thanks… would have made more sense for them if they wrote library.

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Every city every town burn the ??? to the ground (bottom right)… curious what this one says

[-] UmeU@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

At first I think, this is a bunch of trolls trolling off all over each other, nobody can be this delusional. Then I realize, this sounds like some of my relatives.

submitted 2 weeks ago by UmeU@lemmy.world to c/riddles@catata.fish

You have six buckets all lined up in a row.

The first three are filled with rocks and the second three are empty, so the starting pattern is ‘full full full empty empty empty’.

You are only allowed to touch/move one bucket and for the one bucket you touch, you are only allowed to touch it one time.

How do you make it so that the order of the buckets becomes ‘full empty full empty full empty’?

submitted 2 weeks ago by UmeU@lemmy.world to c/riddles@catata.fish

The year is 1985. You are on the ground floor of a four-story building. On the top floor there is a lightbulb. On the ground floor with you there are three light switches. All three switches are connected to electricity but only one of the switches controls the lightbulb on the top floor - the other two switches are not connected to anything.

You cannot go outside, there is no one helping you, and most importantly, you can only go up to the top floor one time to check.

How do you determine with absolute certainty which of the three switches controls the lightbulb?

If this post gets any traction I’ll post the answer.

The answer involves no wordplay, is not cheesy or impossible to figure out… just use logic and you should be able to come up with the correct answer.

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