[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 9 points 4 days ago

That's golden hahaha

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 72 points 4 days ago

Both my brother in laws have huge modified trucks, both live in cities, both complain that the road infrastructure and parking doesn't cater to their large vehicles... Also both have (probably) never used the truck bed.

They are so huge, tons of room in the cab. Feels like driving in a living room. Have to ride over curbs to get out of parking lots though

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

It's a bit complicated, but the answer is it is sort of possible for anyone who is dead and didn't have their ordinances done to get to the highest kingdom. Mormons famously baptize dead people, they also do other ordinances for dead people. The belief is that it allows the dead person to then accept or deny the ordinances. They believe that in the afterlife before resurrection there is still the opportunity to be taught the Mormon gospel. That combined with someone doing your ordinances for you and you're good.

They believe dead people are doing missionary work to other dead people in the spirit world before resurrection (which I think happens after the second coming). I've heard that the second coming won't happen until everyone (alive and dead) has had the opportunity to accept the Mormon truth.

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Haha, I see. There's some really good ex-Mormon jokes about how the highest tier of heaven (Celestial Kingdom) is boring and white and reverent and then the third tier (Telestial Kingdom) is a 24/7 rave. If given a choice on where I want to spend my afterlife, I'd probably consider the company I'd end up spending eternity with.

General connotation of Hell though is that it's a miserable place

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

Haha, I love this idea. Unfortunately with more context on the religion, it's obvious why none of them would come to this conclusion. So there's actually 3 tiers of Heaven (and then Hell which is called "outer darkness"). Only by knowing "the truth" and completing all your ordinances on Earth, can you get into the top tier (the "Celestial kingdom"). Without those things, you can only get into the second tier by being a good person, no higher. Everyone else gets tier 3 - which is said to be such a paradise that if we knew how great it was we'd opt out of life early to get there. But also in the lower levels we're supposed to have eternal regret for not being worthy of better.

So Mormons believe that by spreading the truth they're enabling a person to achieve a higher tier afterlife. Outer Darkness isn't really a concern because "why would anyone ever deny the one true religion and one way to have true happiness on Earth, after they've received it." When I was taught these lessons, I was even told that sons of perdition were exceptionally rare because almost no one ever leaves the church. Never expected to become one myself! The internet has not been good for the Mormon church and in recent years they've been bleeding members and trying to rebrand.

I guess you could say that I came to your conclusion, but in reality I just don't believe the religion is true and see parts of it as harmful so not really... I'll probably joke around with my siblings with your idea though

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Not saying anyone deserves eternal punishment for finite sins, but I do believe I'm more moral than Hitler - so it seems a but unfair to me. And silly for them to believe it's true.

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 27 points 5 days ago

I was raised Mormon (LDS) and there are parallels; basically they believe Mormonism is the one true and complete denomination of Christianity and once you learn this, you need to spread that truth (mandatory 2 year missions for men, and a STRONG culture of missionary work through life), also, no one goes to hell in Mormonism except those who learned this truth and then later denied it/left it (called a son of perdition).

So my parents believe I'll go to hell without the likes of Hitler because he never was taught "the truth" lol

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 50 points 1 week ago

Only thing historically significant about the 10 commandments is that the founding fathers didn't want them in classrooms

Am I in the club? (lemmy.world)

I actually bike to work also, but just got this under desk bike and am really liking it. Don't feel like its distance calculator is super accurate, but supposedly I biked 30 miles yesterday. Much better than nothing either way!

Did have to tighten the bolts on my desk chair and lube it to get it to stop squeaking though

submitted 3 months ago by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/fuckcars@lemmy.world

There is a hill to the left so it's actually really hard to walk through. Don't wanna go in the parking lot cause of my dog. It's a great trail connecting 2 parks but the section by the mall is not respected by the snow plows.

Would be such a shame to have to keep their snow on a row of unused parking spots! (This is the back side of our mall so no cars almost ever)

submitted 3 months ago by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/mtg@mtgzone.com

Got this because I don't like carrying cash (weird because I'm pretty into privacy, but I have a minimal wallet and am scared to hold lines up at stores lol)

It actually has to be broken to open which I love. The "MTG Fund" part was a joke at first but it's been a while since I was excited for a set and actually wanted to spend money on it. Bloomburrow seems promising, loved Redwall as a kid.

Might just be product fatigue. I've been very into pauper commander lately which holds me over

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 108 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

"I'll vote for him again because he isn't like the other corrupt politicians"

-My dad

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 48 points 5 months ago

My first Pi got me into computing which led to my software career now. Won it from a YouTube giveaway and kept it a secret because I wasn't allowed to have a computer. Put retroPi on it and told my parents it was for gaming. Coded my first game in Python (from a tutorial). I once put it in a crayon box and used that as a portable handheld. Later. Made a janky arcade cabinet. Sad that my kids may need to use a different brand device. I have no love for public companies

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 52 points 5 months ago

Not sure how badly you want it back, but it is possible to restore. Non-sugically. Basically skin under tension causes Mitosis (skin cells dividing to make more skin) - think putting on weight, gaining muscle, getting pregnant, or ear gauges. You tug the skin long enough and eventually have your hoodie back. The results are surprisingly impressive. r/restoring_foreskin has a bunch of info

[-] UnPassive@lemmy.world 57 points 6 months ago

Cycle to work every day, 3 miles one way, I know in my bones from repeated experiences that the bigger the vehicle, the less likely they see you

submitted 7 months ago by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/dnd@lemmy.world

Picked up the young adventurer books thinking that they had simpler kid rules, but I guess they have no rules (you're supposed to just be motivated to buy a starter set or something). So I played with my niece (8) and nephew (5) without any rules and they LOVED it. Right after our first short adventure they wanted to play again.

I basically just made them roll for anything they wanted to do in combat and took turns as usual. Let them roll to respond to any attack back at them. No HP, just descriptions of injuries.

They loved upgrading their swords into go-go-gadget everything weapons with buttons to shoot spikes, or light on fire - so I let them. Even the boat they needed had to become a sword upgrade magic inflatable raft haha.

Anyway, highly recommend for young players.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/books@lemmy.world

Edit: Picked up "A Canticle for Leibowitz" for him - if you know a good book he might enjoy though, feel free to leave a comment as I'll either pass a list along to him, or use the list for future gifts to him. And thanks everyone for the great recommendations!

Looking for a short-ish, wide-appeal sci-fi or fantasy novel to gift to my dad for Christmas, in the Portuguese language - hopefully without strong religious components (more context and details below)

So my dad and I read a lot, but very different genres. I read almost exclusively sci-fi and fantasy, he likes biographies, historical, and religious books. Most out there book I know of him reading was The Walking Drum by Louis L'Amour which he LOVED and talks about regularly, yet I don't think he's read any other historical fiction.

He regularly asks about what I'm reading and always says he doesn't understand why I like sci-fi/fantasy. He's never tried them though. I'm fairly confident he would enjoy the genres, he does fine with their movies.

Anyway, for Christmas I want to get him a book in Portuguese. He went to Brazil for 2 years on a mission for his church and he's still fairly fluent. My hope is he'll enjoy getting exposure to the language, while also getting to try a sci-fi/fantasy book.

There are some difficulties in picking a book for him though...

  1. He is pretty religious and probably can't handle anything with atheist topics, maybe best to avoid fantasy with strong religious components as well
  2. It probably should be on the shorter side - I haven't read many standalone novels so I'm not sure what's popular. I'm worried he'll lose interest in an epic fantasy novel, for example
  3. He loves humor - I'm not a huge fan so another reason I'm asking for help

We did read Bad Omens, he liked it a lot, wasn't one that I see myself re-reading - but I guess some religious topics are fine?

I once tried to get him to read Ready Player One, thinking that it had wide appeal and having loved the story myself... I forgot about Wade's atheist rant in the beginning though. My dad returned the book and kinda started a fight with me on how I must have some plan to de-convert him - and he assured me the book was propaganda for Satan... So yeah, definitely sensitive to religious topics.

An obvious choice, I think, is Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. I may go with this if nothing else comes up. I don't love the book (not my favorite flavor of humor) but I think he'd enjoy it - I'm just hoping for something that might get him hooked on the genres.

Another serious contender is The First 15 Lives Of Harry August. I really liked this one, but I worry the themes of death and mental health might not be great for him.

Thanks for any suggestions! I know this is a bit specific

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

Has anyone been able to get consistent mouse input on black ops 1 zombies? Most maps feel okay, but I can't get Call of the Dead to a remotely playable state...

Tried lowering my mouse polling rate to 125Hz, raising my max framerate, disabling vsync and mouse acceleration. Still horrendous.

Not sure if this is Linux specific or if it's on Windows as well. I really wanna play Call of the Dead, but it's as if someone is adjusting my mouse sensitivity constantly while I play. The effect is not little.


Using a controller works fine I just discovered, I definitely prefer mouse and keyboard, but at least I have an option!

Details of symptoms: It feels kind of like the framerate lowers significantly super frequently; during these moments my mouse acts like I cranked down the sensitivity as low as it'll go - to the point where I have to lift my mouse multiple times to turn 90 degrees, then things kick back in and I spin a 720 while readjusting to my normal sensitivity. Extremely disorienting.

I have fairly high end PC (especially for a game this old). Research I've done suggests that the mouse input is tied to the framerate; might just be an issue with the game then. Annoying that it works fine with a controller. Just hoping someone's got a fix!

submitted 10 months ago by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Have to use Windows for work (I've asked), the ads have been getting worse and worse on my work laptop. Today got a game ad notification... That's clearly too far, right? Like I have to clear notifications, so I have to see it

submitted 11 months ago by UnPassive@lemmy.world to c/boardgames@feddit.de

And with what player count?

I've been showing a few of my friends the Star Wars Deck Building Game and Star Realms quite a bit. Loving them. Most of the time I'm only playing two player games. Another that I replay a lot is Hive.

There's games I like more, but that I don't seem to get to play very often. Maybe I need to be proactive about setting up game nights!

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