Stfu u fkin Darth MacDonalds
Lincoln's ghost after watching people meme about him for more than 150 years: "Man these people miserable as fuck, someone please put me out of my no.... FUCK"
You shouldn't have done that. I know what you look like now:
It can be cheap enough to become socialised. AI is a means of production. A very efficient one at that. If it is publicly owned (open sourced models being a very good start to it), its effects can be extremely positive.
Post civil war Confederates purchasing "Christmas trees" be like:
I doubt so. Wouldn't Zipf's law be used for this?
UP is basically if Mexico was an Indian state.
Ofc it was stolen! It was a mobile tower after all
Pics or didn't happen
"Oh yea?!! Well u were found exactly in the spot where ur dad came in ur mum.... Yea take that...."