- Soften chocolate ice cream and chill the glass. Take the ice cream out of the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes before use. At the same time, place your glass in the freezer. This will keep the shake cold when you serve it
-Measure the ingredients. 1 cup ice cream to 1/4 cup milk is a great ratio.
Blend the shake. In a blender, combine the milk and ice cream and blend until smooth. Add any your mix-ins and blend them in to your desired consistency.
Measure out the special secret ingredient - the 32.7 days, fermented cum sauce. Remember to consume 250 grams of pineapples prior to producing 100ml of that precious, pearly goodness.
Remember this: No matter how yummy the cum sauce looks, DO NOT DIP YOUR DISGUSTING HANDS TO LICK IT. You never know where your hands have been touching.
-Serve. Pour the shake into the chilled glass and serve immediately.
- Remember to enjoy this with your family! Cheers! :)
But idk tho...
A reminder for the uncivilized savages from a very civilized gentleman with a sweet smelling asshole: WASH YOUR ASS WITH WATER. USE A BIDET OR A BUM GUN.
Why are Americans okay with shooting up schools but not ok with shooting up their own assholes?! Bum guns also don't require reloading! You can fire as much as you want! Use Bum guns π.