
joined 1 year ago

I've pulled one of those wireless trimmers apart when it quit working. I found a rechargeable AA battery soldered in there.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Ha, good luck with that, Reddit.

There is no way this could go down that would not immediately get turned into either a new theory or used as evidence of a theory already in existence.

Hmm, probably so. Another reason not to have a giant collective art project yet.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I think it would be wildly different.

Maybe it would be a space where users can straight up post pictures and move them around in a large space. Not pixel by pixel, but a whole image at a time, in a space big enough to fit thousands of pictures.

Maybe it would be a collection of symbols and flags where users add a dot below what they identify with.

Maybe it would be a shared drawing canvas, where users can do freehand lines, outlines, and fill with colors like MS Paint, but all at once and over each other. Basically an internet graffiti wall. To align with the ideas of Lemmy, it would be possible to "wall off" off bits of the greater canvas, and block the rest of the users so that only one community/magazine /server can draw on that space, while any unclaimed area stays wide open for anyone.

Maybe it would not exist at all, because the whole mentality of the Fediverse might not support enough collective expression.

[–] 19 points 1 year ago (2 children)

It starts like that and then the people running scripts and other power players take over

And widely known. Once it's started, most people know what you're going for.

I think this is a good thing. This place is a gem that is hard to find and not fitting for everyone.

It would be news, and even harder to believe as real news.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Yeah, I'm having trouble seeing this as real news.

Agreed. The tribe mindset on display shows me how users who love reddit as it is are not a good fit for the Fediverse. Maybe less advertising to that crowd is a good thing.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Adding to this, Devolution by Max Brooks. Book only

I also like earth based hard sci-fi with some mystery and horror. This book hits all three points, and is very character driven on top of that.


One of several secondary reasons why making a Fediverse reference on Place is so hard to maintain is that the Fediverse is built for far less uniformity and tribe mindset.

Edit, I did say one of several secondary reasons. I have no illusion that I've spotted the #1 main reason.


What is up with all the beans? I check the site this morning and it's all beans beans Sean Bean green beans, bean shirt. What did I miss?

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