It's the Saul Goodman effect, if you've grifted before and know you can make such easy money the only way for you to stop is to go through some major internal growth and internalise that it's deeply unethical, but that's so hard, man, why would you do that when you can just raise a billion dollars with a smile
Brain drain the world. Work visas for every person who can produce more than they consume. I’m talking doubling the US population, bringing in all the factory workers, farmers, miners, engineers, literally anyone who produces value.
Okay, I mean, that's coherent policy, I really don't like the caveats of "produces more than they consume" cause how do you quantify that, but yes, immigration is actually good...
Can we raise the average IQ of America to be higher than China?
aaaand it's eugenics, fuck, how does this keep happening
Introducing my new startup, bAIas, which allows you to automate the tedium of racism and unlock infinite potential by synergising with misogyny. We're planning to add a premium tier for transphobia later this year.
It's infinite monkeys but every time they output coherent English you give them bananas to incentivise them towards that
Ye, so essentially a wireless Avada Kedavra, cool cool cool, completely chill and sane thing to believe
195 IQ and suddenly get someone who just sits in their room for a decade and then speaks gibberish into a youtube livestream and everyone dies, or whatever.
I can't even decipher what this is about. Like if you're 195IQ you can invent Avada Kedavra in a decade?
Artificial wombs may remove this bottleneck.
Okay but this is an amazing out-of-context sentence. I will croudfund a $1000 award for anyone who is able to put that sentence into a paper and get published in Nature without anyone noticing.
I don't think Harry was much of a genius, unless you mean Harriezer from MoR in which case lol, lmao
Working in the field of genetics is a bizarre experience
How the fuck would you know that, mate? You don't even have a degree in your field, which, let me remind you, is (allegedly) computer science. Has Yud ever been near an actual genetics professor?
I feel coding people like they’re software
Jesus christ can you imagine segfaulting someone's kidney
It's reacting to the presentation, not you specifically. I think many of the other comments hit on how he goes waaay too far in his criticism, but I wouldn't have written what I wrote if it wasn't a wider sentiment I encountered a few times already.
And to be a programmer you basically just need to know a lot of languages / libraries and how things interact, really easy, barely an inconvenience.
The actual irony is that this is more true than for any other engineering profession since programmers uniquely are not held to any standards whatsoever, so you can have both skilled engineeres and complete buffoons coexist, often within the same office. There should be a Programmers' Guild or something where the experienced master would just slap you and throw you out if you tried something idiotic like using LLMs for code generation.