[-] V17@kbin.social 6 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Czechia: To get a gun for self-defense, you need to get a permit, which includes mandatory training, tests and a psychological evaluation (which, from what I've heard, is not hard to get). You need to have a clean criminal record and they check your misdemeanors too (you may not be allowed to get a permit if you've had issues with public drunkenness for example). However, after that you can not only buy a gun but also are automatically allowed to concealed carry.

There are several types of permits and getting a permit for sports or hunting is slightly easier. You need to be 21 years old to get a self-defense permit, you can get a hunting or sports permit when you're 18 or in special situations (used under supervision) when you're 15. The permits last 10 years, but you can lose them if you get a criminal record. The gun permit registry is managed by the state police, so it's easy for them to check the validity of your license if they need to do so.

Gun violence is very rare, so I'm happy with this and see no reason to change it. The people that I know who have a permit (it's quite uncommon) are very responsible with it.

There are restrictions on which weapons a civilian can buy. No automatic weapons for sure, but I think you can get some semi-automatic guns with a suppressor (cause I've heard a guy recommending one such gun with sub-sonic ammo for potential home-defense, stating "if I really have to use it, there's no reason why my family should go deaf in the process", heh).

[-] V17@kbin.social 31 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Imo it's the latter. It didn't start that way, but in the last decade they gradually shifted to being simply inflammatory on purpose because that brings clicks, and on top of that they regularly did dumb shit like complain about sexualization and male gaze one week (often, though not always, legitimately, but mostly it was literally just complaining without any further insight, which I personally don't care bout) and next week publish an article with photos of top male bulges in some sport that, apart from the gender being swapped, was literally worse than what they complained about with regards to sexualizing women.

Personally I say good riddance, but I'm biased by a deep dislike for people who use identity politics to create divisive clickbait.

[-] V17@kbin.social 18 points 7 months ago

including Pizza; Frozen meals

I have to wonder why that is or if it applies to everything in this category, because some frozen food is literally just normal food, only frozen. I recently bought and ate two cheap frozen pizzas and took a look through their ingredients to see what kind of crap I'm ingesting. One of the pizzas contained the same ingredients that a homemade pizza of a similar type would have, with only one exception, which was a tiny bit of citric acid. Harmless. The other contained added modified starch in the tomato sauce, and surprisingly a bit of dextrose in the dough and on the pieces of chicken meat. That is not great, but since it was listed in the last place and ingredients have to be sorted by the amount present in a descending order, I know that there was less dextrose than salt in the dough, which means the amount was quite small. Still, no preservatives, colorants or flavor enhancers.

There is one difference - making a homemade pizza takes me about an hour because there's a lot of prep involved, whereas this is done in 15 minutes, so I eat it more often. But I have no need to restrict caloric intake, so that's not an issue for me either unless there is some other way in which this is unhealthy.

[-] V17@kbin.social 10 points 7 months ago

I mean, ignorant, fine, but propagandist??

[-] V17@kbin.social 12 points 7 months ago

I don't think you understand what I mean, so I'll try to rephrase.

Knowing that bad shit is happening and accepting that it's bad shit is one thing. Wallowing in it and pointlessly arguing about it (not normally discussing it in a measured way) is a separate thing that is not necessary and helps neither the ones participating nor the community in general. It's possible to do it differently and many are capable of it.

[-] V17@kbin.social 14 points 8 months ago

This isn’t so much a war as it is a mass execution.

The rocket attacks may be, but the ground operation in Gaza is going to be anything but. There's going to be a lot of casualties on Israeli side before this is over and the first waves of wounded soldiers started coming into hospitals around Gaza right on the evening when the invasion started.

[-] V17@kbin.social 6 points 8 months ago

It exists, it just doesn't work very well. It's enough to convert the generated AI image into jpeg and the jpeg compression, even if imperceptible to us, will cause the AI to stop recognizing the image as AI generated. It also costs money if you want to use it on this scale because it's computationally intensive.

[-] V17@kbin.social 18 points 8 months ago

RANT: While I know that language changes all the time, I find it very unfortunate that this little fellow o/ and possibly his slightly more formal friend o7 have become synonymous with “nazi salute”. First off, it’s the wrong arm! And second off, what do you have against “man waving” and “man saluting”?

Have they really? Never seen o7 used that way, with o/ it's more understandable, but since one can easily just use \o (or use an actual unicode swastika) I just don't see it getting that controversial. Seems even less known than the triple parentheses thing, which is something that most people who don't spend their lives on the internet never heard about.

[-] V17@kbin.social 7 points 8 months ago

Yeah, I get people are against the invasion, but if they cannot see legitimate and obvious reasons for restricting options of (human or machine) communications, they're either completely ideologically blinded or stupid.

submitted 8 months ago by V17@kbin.social to c/kbinMeta@kbin.social

Some threads that are visible when logged out become invisible when logged in. This seems to apply to all magazines and all instances - I am not completely blocked from an instance or a magazine, they just don't show all the threads. This seemingly started relatively recently, because I now cannot open a thread that I commented on 2 days ago. However there is some possibility that it happened in the past and I just did not notice, I only go here once in a blue moon.

When I open one of the threads using a direct link, the body of the post itself is shown, it shows the correct number of comments, but the field where comments should load says "No comments".

Example threads that I don't see:

Example 1 (the one that I commented on)
Example 2
Example 3

Additionally, and I have no idea if this is related, I cannot send direct messages to anyone outside of kbin.social, the "Send message" link in their profile just sends me to a 403 forbidden page. I have no idea whether this is related or whether it's just an unfinished feature (in that case ignore this) - I only noticed now, after I wanted to message somebody that unfortunately I can no longer reply to their thread.

[-] V17@kbin.social 20 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I think that's willfully distorting the situation. Punching down should refer to jokes that seem to be or obviously are made with malicious intent, it's not about certain groups being protected from humor altogether, that's infantilizing. From what OP said and posted somewhere in this thread I don't think their jokes were in any way malicious.

[-] V17@kbin.social 9 points 9 months ago

What kind of question even is that? Reducing plastic enough and getting rid of the amount that's already in the environment without new technological solutions is nothing but fantasy at this moment.

[-] V17@kbin.social 7 points 9 months ago

It's not extremely left, but it's overwhelmingly more left leaning than right leaning.

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