submitted 6 months ago by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

This is reported by Lamatiel on Discord.

Using the external lore file (lore book) doesn't properly get saved/used. The manual lore input works just fine.

Here are some fixes that I made in this copy of the page

  • Line 7777 @ HTML Panel - m.text to m.text.split('\n').join('\n\n') to have proper empty lines per lore entry on the textarea display.
  • Line 7783 @ HTML Panel - e.text to e.text.split('\n').join('\n\n'), same reason as above, so even without reloading the URLs the formatting would be good.
  • Added let newLoreBookEntries = result.loreBookUrlEntriesText.replace(/\r/g, "").split(/\n{2,}/).map(e => e.trim()).filter(e => e); after Line 7790 @ HTML Panel to parse the lore from the lorebook URL files.
  • Added newLoreEntries = newLoreEntries.concat(newLoreBookEntries) to combine the lore from manual entry and lorebook URL entries, added after the previous line.
  • Line 7816 @ HTML Panel - originalLoreEntriesText !== result.loreEntriesText to originalLoreEntriesText !== newLoreEntries.join("\n\n"), this would compare the new lore entries to the original one better since the old comparison only compares the manual lore entries.

Some notes:

  • Upon saving the character after writing the lorebook URLs on the Character Edit, the lore doesn't apply immediately. We need to go to /lore, show the character specific lore, then reload the URLs, then save, for the lorebook URLs to apply.
  • Removing the lorebook URLs doesn't remove the lore from that URL from the current lore list, we need to manually remove it.
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

There seems to be a bug with creating a consumable list, then using .evaluateItem from it doesn't consume the item.


  $output = [this.getRawListText.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n')]
  A: [x = items.consumableList, ''] [x.evaluateItem] [x.evaluateItem] [x.evaluateItem] [x.evaluateItem]<br>
  B: [x = items.consumableList, ''] [x] [x] [x] [x]<br>
  C: [x = items.consumableList, ''] [x.selectOne] [x.selectOne] [x.selectOne] [x.selectOne]
  • A doesn't work
  • B and C Works

I think it is because .evaluateItem essentially converts the consumable list to text, which will not consume it, although it should do a .selectOne (a reference post) behind the scenes which should consume from the list, but it is not working.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

Recently, a couple of people started losing images in their private galleries from the text-to-image-plugin.

Here are some posts about it:

  • Reddit Post about Gallery being Purged
  • Tsuyoi KaiZoKu mentioned from Discord that some of their images in a private gallery disappeared after saving it into the gallery after a certain amount of time (I wasn't able to replicate it and they mentioned it might be depending on the number of images on the gallery).

Please comment below any information/problems you also encountered with the same issue.

Some helpful information you can provide:

  • Generation date of the image saved into the gallery that has disappeared.
  • When the purge/disappearance of images happened
  • Generator that you have your gallery on
  • Any test you tried to replicate the problem



submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

JadeRavens made a post on Reddit about the remember-plugin not being able to 'remember' the radio buttons.

So, I made a modification of the remember-plugin that handles the radio button groups. Here is the demo generator for it.

Essentially, it takes the 'group' of the buttons (by using .querySelectorAll to select all inputs that have the same name of the radio button) then saving the state of each radio button.

Which means that in the group, only one is checked and the others are not checked.

Though I am having problems with the saving of the value of a variable since after the second reload of the page, it will point to the last value.

The steps to see the problem (if there is an update() in the oninput of the radio button) is:

  1. Click a radio button.
  2. Reload the page, the variable will point to the last value in the group.

If there is no update() on the oninput, it will take two reloads of the page to point to the last value in the group.

EDIT: Seems to have fixed it by removing the triggerEvent upon loading the state/value of the inputs. Though, I'm sure there is a good reason why the 'triggerEvent' are there.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

This is reported by @ASL4U at this Lemmy Comment (I would assume they are the same person on the General Chat @ the Hub), that there are some users having the Dark Theme applying to the Preview Panel in Light Mode.

I tested it on Chrome v.118, on Windows 10 with Device Theme 'Light', I would have brief flash of the Dark Theme on the Preview but resolves itself.

However, there are some instances where the Dark Theme would remain like the attached image. The reporter tested it on Linux Mint 21.2 using Chrome (most up to date).

If you experience the same thing, even after changing the appropriate Device and Browser Themes (if applicable), please comment below your:

System: (Windows, Mac, Linux etc. + version e.g. Windows 10)
Browser: (Edge, Chrome, etc. + version e.g. Chrome v.118)
Device Theme: (Dark/Light)
Browser Theme (if applicable): (Dark/Light)

submitted 8 months ago by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

Recently made these animations of how the Perchance Engine transforms the Perchance Syntax to Randomly Generated Texts.

These are made with using Motion Canvas. It is an open-source animation library that allows its users to 'code' their video. Feel free to check out the website to learn more about it.

These might be useful for visualizing how Perchance works.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by VioneT@lemmy.world to c/perchance@lemmy.world

Welcome to the Perchance Community!

Perchance.org is a platform for sharing and creating random text generators.

This Lemmy community is for:

  • Asking for help with problems, issues, or requests about generators in Perchance
  • Sharing and showcasing your created generators, templates, plugins, or pages in Perchance
  • Starting friendly discussions about topics related to Perchance
If it is your first time in using Lemmy, please check out this message from Lemmy.World and the Support Page from Lemmy.World to get started on using Lemmy.


Here are some rules in this community:

  • Please follow the lemmy.world instance rules.
  • Be kind and friendly.
    • Please be kind to others on this community (and also in general), and remember that for many people Perchance is their first experience with coding. We have members for whom English is not their first language, so please be take that into account too :)
  • Be thankful to those who try to help you.
    • If you ask a question and someone has made an effort to help you out, please remember to be thankful! Even if they don't manage to help you solve your problem - remember that they're spending time out of their day to try to help a stranger :)
  • Only post about stuff related to perchance.
    • Please only post about perchance related stuff like generators on it, bugs, and the site.


Here are some optional tags to add in your title to categorize the posts. These are merely tags, you still need to title your post effectively.

  • [Bug] - if you think you find any bug in Perchance, use this tag.
  • [Question] or [Help] - this is to denote that your post is a question or requesting for help
  • [Suggestion] - for any suggestions in Perchance
  • [Feedback] or [Appreciation] - for any feedback or appreciation to any generator or to Perchance in general.
  • [{Generator Category}] - Used to share any generator with the specified category
    • Text, Image, Template, Hub, Plugin, Preprocessor, Community/RP, Game, Experiment, Useful Generator
  • [Fluff] or [Non-Generator] - Non-generator posts but about Perchance
  • [Tutorial] or [Guide] - for any Perchance related tutorials or guides to help others

AI Plugins Posts

We would like to ask to refrain from posting here needing help specifically with prompting/achieving certain results with the AI plugins (text-to-image-plugin and ai-text-plugin) e.g. "What is the good prompt for X?", "How to achieve X with Y generator?"

There are guides, tutorials, and resources on the internet that can be applied when prompting in the AI tools in Perchance.

We will still be helping/answering questions about the plugins as long as it is related to building generators with them.

Here are some links/posts/guides/answers to questions for the AI Tools on Perchance:

Posting from Mastodon

Feel free to checkout this post to know how to post in this Lemmy Community through Mastodon.

Getting Started with Perchance

To get started with Perchance, check out the Perchance Tutorial or the Beginner Tutorial at the Perchance Hub Learn Tab to get to know the website.

Asking for help

Feel free to ask for help but please check out these tips on searching for an answer:

  • Check the following pages, to see if your question has already been answered or talked about or a plugin has been made for it. We recommend using the browser's search function (ctrl+f) and searching for similar keywords to your question/problem.
  • If you didn't find anything about your problem there, feel free to search through the posts/articles here:
  • If you can't still find anything related to your problem, feel free to post a thread here.
    • Please title your post effectively.
    • Please provide a link to your generator with your attempts of solving the problem.
    • Try to explain what you want it to do and what example output it should be doing.

Other Community Links


joined 1 year ago