[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 6 points 1 hour ago

The specific general also apparently was established to have a vendetta against Evo and was making threats towards him previously. If that is true as Evo previously said, then even just keeping him in his post makes Arce guilty to Evo

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 11 points 2 days ago

I think Trump is petty enough and terrified of embarrassing himself like Biden did in Afghanistan. I know it would be pulling out just like Afghanistan, but from his pov it is less a direct debacle of his leadership. He will totally still support NATO and the MIC will get its contracts as they rebuild their stores.

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 19 points 2 days ago

imagine he has a stroke that night and dies the next morning. He would once again be a man upstaging Hillary

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 19 points 2 days ago

He has a plate in his head now tho. He is golden

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 11 points 3 days ago

I have nothing to add to the definitions others are giving, but I do wanna say it really annoys me how radlibs and some socialists who are non-Marxist will define fascism mostly as "strong man who appeals to populism". Like I enjoyed most of the Dollop episode on Huey Long, but Dave at the end describing the basic concept of a demagogue and saying "that is what fascism is" was frustrating. I mean Dave is smart and understands Trump is not really cognizant enough to be a fascist himself, he still defines fascism in a really weak way. It is the same trick people fall into when calling Peron a fascist, even though Peron was at least a fan of Mussolini in the early 30s though for very stupid reasons of buying his propaganda when visiting Italy.

Something similar happened with Quinton Reviews when talking about the History Channel, he sorta goes to far in mocking Nazi inefficiency and ends up saying fascism is internally incoherent and is more or less just a vibe. I think a lot of breadtube and breadtube adjacent folks do this, heck WTYP have done this iirc. People ignore that the ideology and political structure of fascism is a thing, weird and unreasonable as it is, it has theories and shit like the hollow earth that are super goofy stem FROM those reactionary real material forces.

Esoteric fascism is not just the realm of history channel, shit like Sofindus and Executive Outcomes, these orgs literally run by former Nazis who said they communed with Hitler's spirit, actively did horrifying shit. And fascist ideology was not just left in the dustbin of history, not just reactionaries, but true believers in Hitler personally, got to structure and design our world. The bureaucratic fascists who remained in control of West Germany and the Von Braun types are not so easily divorced from the wacky guys, and said wacky guys had serious sway in the CIA, blew up shit in Italy, ran torture camps in Chile, and formed the basis for modern private military contractors and current torture techniques. Both parts of that equation are relevant.

I HATE when libs say "oh well bigotry is illogical, it doesn't make sense so there is no structure or path that led to these people" even if they accept that material conditions led to these ideologies. Because they more or less let fascism become the masses going crazy and their irrationalities and anxieties being the driving force hence the scattershot beliefs. This shit ignores that we can track how this shit develops socially, we can trace the esoteric shit and it doesn't come from the backwards hicks of saxony, it is the fucking Thule society and elite dinner parties.

I think Trueanon's spider-network series genuinely covers this shit so well

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 8 points 3 days ago

Exactly. It really seemed at first like it was saying that 9/11 was a warning shot

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 43 points 3 days ago

It took me a sec to realize that they did not mean it the way I thought. I was like "hell yeah!!"

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yeah they lost their coastline in the Pacific War and never got over it. What is funny is the most momentum on this front in well over 100 years was because of Evo. Evo brought it before the UN in 2013, it was turned down but still he went farther and expanded access to Chiles' ports more than anyone else. I know it was seen as a failure to follow through on a major promise by Evo, but still.

Bolivians have songs for school children to sing about taking back the coast. They are super invested it getting it back


[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 16 points 3 days ago

OMG the navy was involved? This really is a farce.

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 37 points 3 days ago

It kinda seems this general was on his own. OAS even immediately disavowed him, which sure they always do when they fail, but this was quick. He did not even have real support in the military. Sometimes you wake up and think you are Caesar

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 31 points 4 days ago

First as tragedy then again as.....well you know

[-] Vncredleader@hexbear.net 50 points 4 days ago

Oh thank god we are back.

Taking the site down during a coup as a joke was not OK

also good update



cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/2419252

Insanely well done video essay on "modern" retellings and the subgenera of feminist retellings of Greek myths. Really respectful towards these modern writers, but she gives a fantastic classicist perspective and explores how often Anglo culture uses Greek myths and history as a plaything.

Really beautifully done and a good examination of HOW we approach mythology and how oversimplifications can erase the actual depth of stories.


Insanely well done video essay on "modern" retellings and the subgenera of feminist retellings of Greek myths. Really respectful towards these modern writers, but she gives a fantastic classicist perspective and explores how often Anglo culture uses Greek myths and history as a plaything.

Really beautifully done and a good examination of HOW we approach mythology and how oversimplifications can erase the actual depth of stories.


Could I, could we all imagine then that that year (1991) would bring such changes in two of my homelands, that here Dubrovnik, Rovinj, Sarajevo, and in Russia - Kiev, Crimea, Odesa, would become "abroad"... Bosnia, Herzegovina and Krajina... Nagorno-Karabakh and Chechnya... Thousands, millions of refugees, orphans, ruined lives, destroyed cities and villages, dead, maimed...

What is left of what we believed so much five decades ago and even during the war? What else am I destined to experience? Let me stop there...

This was from the memoir of Đorđe Lobačev a Serbian/Russian comic creator and essentially the only Soviet comic book creator until the 80s. He joined the partisans, survived WW2, got citizenship in the USSR, was deported by Tito to Romania, wasn't allowed to move to Leningrad because of fears over those who had worked in capitalist countries (least that's what bios say, I assume it was more specifically entertainment and artistic fields) until after the Thaw, only allowed back to Serbia decades later, only to watch all of it destroyed.

I was trying to find some communist comic history that wasn't defectors or dissenters driven, but came across this tragic fucking quote from an obituary of him. Sums up the helplessness of being an elderly person watching the collapse of both motherlands.

submitted 2 months ago by Vncredleader@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

This thread was horrifying. Some good responses in there but holy shit.

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