[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 5 points 1 day ago

And here we have another gem from the obnoxious 43 year old libertarian edge lord’s exhaustive repertoire of unwanted opinions.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 6 points 3 months ago

Isn’t it curious how this headline implies an entirely different narrative than the actual story?

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 9 points 3 months ago

Is there anything that's more obviously a "divide and conquer" tactic than all this unhinged generational bullshit?

It’s insane but effective. A friend who is 25 years younger than me angrily called me a Boomer because my husband and I bought a house in 2020, which means we had advantages that he didn’t get.

It was our first house, in rough shape, and it was through a VA loan. Every repair was DIY. Meanwhile, the guy who called me a Boomer inherited his house and massive acreage. Also, unlike that guy, we’re pro-union, politically active environmentalists who vote for progressive candidates. Just an absolute wtf moment.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 40 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The US has become a cautionary tale for:

• Refusing Universal Healthcare

• Opposing Racial and Cultural Equity

• Revoking Women’s Bodily Autonomy

• Expanding Excessive Incarceration

• Exonerating Police Violence

• Dismissing Effective Gun Control

• Ignoring Mass Shootings

• Denying Veteran and First Responder Care

• Allowing Environmental Toxins

• Approving Carcinogens in Food

• Condoning High Infant Mortality

• Eradicating LGTBQ+ Rights

• Encouraging Religion in Government

• Dismantling Social Services

• Rejecting Living Wage, Retirement, and Pension Issues

• Persecuting the Low-income and Homeless

• Promoting the Purchase of Politicians and Judges

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 11 points 4 months ago

I see no mention of banning pride flags on this ludicrous list of demands, either.

There are some states that want to ban displaying all “unofficial” flags on publicly funded buildings such as schools and embassies; this would theoretically prohibit pride flags, BLM flags, flags supporting or opposing other nations, religious flags, NRA flags, nazi flags, stars and bars, or any flags that symbolize an ideology apart from the flags of federal, state, and local governments.

It doesn’t apply to non-government buildings, so churches, businesses, private residences that aren’t controlled by HOAs, etc, would still be able to display the flags of their choice.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 38 points 5 months ago

HP lured me away from Apple about 15 years ago, with promises of better pay and benefits. I made the mistake of believing their lies, and proceeded to work in one of the most hostile environments I’d ever encountered. Aside from the open and constant sexual harassment, I was horrified to see customer service maliciously transfer callers to dead extensions or to the branch in the Philippines, then laugh about it. “Tech support” was for selling more products, not for resolving issues. Management was a shitshow of nepotism, falling-over-drunkenness, corruption, office affairs, and massive cover-ups.

I lasted 8 months, then I fled back to Apple, but I’ll never forget how HP blatantly loathed the customers.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 7 points 6 months ago

For an unvaxxed perspective, I’m on day 1,276 of stuffy, runny nose with limited senses of smell and taste plus constant mild fatigue and brain fog. I was unable to carry a conversation or walk more than 7 or 8 steps the first 3 months due to breathlessness, and smelled nothing at all for 14 months.

I get EVERY vaccine now.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 8 points 7 months ago

The Democratic National Convention of August, 1968 was in Chicago. It was marked by massive riots, after the April and June assassinations of the Rev Martin Luther King Jr and Democratic POTUS candidate Robert Kennedy, respectively. It was triggered by many issues, including anti-Vietnam War sentiment.

Interestingly, the August, 2024 DNC will be in Chicago. Maybe it’s time for the people of the United States to come together for another “year that breaks America”, and fight for the need to eliminate the DNC/RNC corporate stranglehold and work toward establishing a ranked voting system.

Or we could continue to choose between happy uncle fascist or bloated grifter fascist.

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 5 points 7 months ago

And this species is just the latest to feel the impact of climate change. A report last year published by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature found that out of nearly 32,000 animal populations worldwide, there was an average decline of 69% since 1970. That sharp decline, the report warned, is a "code red for the planet (and humanity)."

"The message is clear and the lights are flashing red," WWF International's director general Marco Lambertini says in the report. "Our most comprehensive report ever on the state of global vertebrate wildlife populations presents terrifying figures: a shocking two-thirds decline in the global Living Planet Index less than 50 years."

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 10 points 9 months ago

There are some philosophical undertones here, and I’m wondering what you really want to ask. Could you elaborate?

[-] WHARRGARBL@beehaw.org 20 points 9 months ago

We ALL need to do what you’ve been doing.

My household eliminated plastic and non-stick items. We’ve been using only cast iron and stainless steel for stovetop, glass and stainless steel for oven and mixing, glass and stainless for eating. Even the pets’ bowls are stainless steel.

Plastics and Teflon coatings are pure poison.

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