Wasn’t the apprentice was a game show? I believe tiger king was a documentary. Both slop sure but I don’t know that either count as reality TV do they?
given a huge part of the story is literally aliens either you didn’t play the game or think aliens belong in medieval fantasy.
FWIW 16 isn’t a basic medieval fantasy setting.
16 is absolutely fantastic. I haven’t read any reviews for it so I don’t know what they are saying but I had an absolute blast playing it. Had a smile on my face from beginning to end. Well, I enjoyed it atleast I found the ending very sad.
I don’t know that I agree that they are 100% because she is a woman. There aren’t that many bands from the 90s indie rock or early 2000 rock where a layman is going to know the name of the drummer. I think one of the things with the white stripes being a two person band was everyone knew Jack and Meg White, if you knew who the white stripes were. And then their biggest hits that got radio playtime, seven nation obviously and dead leaves on the dirty ground have relatively simple sounding drums. I think anyone who actually listened to the catalog from the band would not have those criticisms. But if you only know the radio hits 🤷🏻♂️.
I enjoyed the White Stripes a lot when I was younger, and I’ve never really enjoyed any of jacks other bands as much.
Thanks for sharing the syntax.
And I agree about the streaming/sailing. I find anymore I’m too tired to sail. If something isn’t on a service I have I just don’t watch it. I’ve never been dinged for password sharing so currently I only pay for one service but share around and have 6.
Yeah it was good! My wife watched it with me, she hadn’t watched any Gundam prior and I’ve only gotten into the franchise in the last few months.
I really like all the gribbly bits on the mechs in this new art style. I am not sure how to do spoiler tags so I’ll just avoid talking about the plot a bit.
I like both sets of models. But I’ll wait to see 40K rules to commit to anything. I’ve never found a group interested in playing Kill Team and that sucks I think on paper atleast it is the better game.
And you were manipulated by who to hate them?
There is an insurance commercial about this movie and stuff not breaking through a roof. Made me chuckle.
I’m good for now, if that changes I’ll reach out though thank you!
It’s one of those single-blade razors, right? How often do you cut yourself? Also, how often do you have to change that blade? I’ve thought about getting one. But I make my disposable razors last, and a Henson would cost about a year’s worth of disposables for me. I barely grow facial hair and shave every other to every three days.