Woah what? That’s crazy. I did a quick google after reading your comment how depressing.
I’ve never heard of crowd supply before. I presume it works similar to kickstarter. Is there a reason creators are moving away from KS? I know a lot of boardgames moved from it as well.
Looks good for the amount of trouble it sounds like it gave you.
I know right? Usually felons don’t listen to the legal system.
Sad. This encouraged me to try. I’m stuck on week five currently and I would have never even tried learning to program without it.
Also damn week four was so hard, I’m really getting beat on understanding the video on week 5.
Yea for the original Xbox, however neither PC version has those supports built in. And the mods seem to be a mediocre experience in comparison, I may just buy the Xbox/360 versions of Morrowind and Oblivion to play comfortably.
Thanks! Really jonesing for some Morrowind or obkivion but my deck lives in a dock next to my TV so I’m not sure how comfortable either game will be with a wireless controller versus holding the deck.
Are you using the controller to play it, or a mouse and keyboard?
This is my go to teams response when I told someone what was going to happen if they didn’t listen to me, then it happens and they come back to me to complain or ask for advice.
I mean the first sentence answered the question. It was available for a limited time due to 35th anniversary. It’s a dumb reason but the answer is right there.
Definitely. And play control if you want to get some extra references. I’m playing right now and this game is constantly putting a smile on my face. It’s great.
Depends on how before the events of alien work. If the before lines up with the Nostromo traveling prior to LV426 touch down and gives a timeline for xenomorph discovery could explain WYs reason for diverting the ship.
My only issue with the above is Ash would have known more upon landing. Unless very little is about to happen in this series.