I think about Belko all the time it was really set for a sequel and it didn’t happen :(
I haven’t heard of this what is it?
Oh I agree. I would have just liked a bit of a standalone marionette or standalone gambler because both concepts appeal to me so much.
I like the dice concept. I like the threads of fate concept and I like the marionette concept. I feel like all three at once is a bit of a miss, but I am excited to use the frame. The umbrella gun seems fun too.
Do we know what they added from the orginal release? I’ve been wanting to play this one for a while.
You’re probably missing some key mods on both weapons and warframes. I know I made it all the way to Sedna without picking up multi shot mods, which are huge boosts.
Are you in a clan? Your clan should be able to help with some of the beginner rare mods and builds.
Very confusing frame to me to use the abilities and the passive just don’t make sense to me. I feel like the wolf theme was wasted as was the pack theme. I just overall was disappointed in Voruna.
I didn’t know they got out of the embracer that is good news.
So I think subsections for a good solo build (probably the rift bomb nuke) and a good group build. I’d use limbo a lot more if I had a group friendly build but I don’t.
Then touch on some farming builds, I’ve heard he is good at finding the Caches in Sabotage but I don’t know the build for that? I’ve also heard he is good at spy missions? Someone told me also that he is great at survival and I don’t know how I see nothing in his kit that ties to that (other than the solo nuke build I guess).
Stuff like that.
Earth, Milky Way galaxy
How do you eat them? Where I’m from this is completely normal.