
joined 1 year ago
[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 41 points 1 month ago

To alert staff when customers have eaten the cake and it needs to be replenished

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 15 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I've yet to see any footage yet and with all these comments now I'm wondering if bumbling Bush Jr looks like a genius now compared to these guys...

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 56 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Thank you. I'm all the years I've never seen the old lady without this

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 9 points 3 months ago

Today after reading this I'm sure I'm taking crazy pills...

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 32 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I think of the absolute horror and the whole news cycle dedicated to a tan suit...

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 60 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I saw a crazy Instagram video where the citizens are upset they are only trying to clean up the river for the Olympics not for the people that live there. They were trying to start a viral campaign to have everyone Sh8t in the river after the clean up is done.

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 14 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I wonder if $45,000 even covers the cost of 1 or 2 of those clean ups?

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 11 points 3 months ago

I ended up on this last year as I was exploring the South West. I found it confusing even as a Canadian.

I then later was confusion when Google Maps told me to go 80 on Hwy 10 in Texas once I came up from Big Bend NP. I thought the GPS was confused. 80 kms on the highway in the US? It was then I realized I wasn't in Oregon anymore with their 60 mph highways. Texas goes fast and even 80 mph isn't enough for most people. Even the single lane highways with construction workers was 65 mph work zones in Texas.

It was the most amount of road kill I've ever seen in all my travels. I think at one stage a herd of goats must of tried to cross the highway based on the carnage I came across. I finally understood the reason for the huge bumpers on the front of trucks in Texas now.

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 11 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I've been a user since Dos 5.0 and Windows 3.0.

Today I mostly use Linux Mint on my dual boot laptops and need to convert my main PC over to dual boot Mint next. I rarely boot into windows at home and if it wasn't for proprietary software at work running only on Windows I would have been done sooner.

I was mostly able to go from XP to 7 and avoided Vista and 8 altogether. Windows 10 was sort of ok with the ability to go back to a Windows 7 control panel when needed but it always felt half baked and unfinished to me.

I've just not been interested in 11 at all and the tidbits I'm hearing about Co-pilot reminds me of not only Clipit but the forcing of IE/ Edge constantly on user's especially after every larger update but to mention resetting the default PDF reader to edge. In a work environment of 20 plus shop PC's I was managing for low tech skill employees it was a pain in the ass chasing down the changes that were not made on my behalf.

What will be the Co-pilot's flavor of this new round of BS from Microsoft? The forcing of a cloud account is another headache I don't want to deal with either.

I will say Mint just mostly does what I need for my web browsing and general productivity needs without the constant game of trying to keep it the way I want it versus what MS wants for me with every update.

I'm at the stage of get off my lawn and screaming at a cloud in the sky next. That cloud is MS these days when adding in the annoyances of their Android keyboard *Swiftkey injecting Co-pilot and Bing into my searches. I've not played in Office 365 for a bit now but I can only imagine it's just as bad now.

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I recall reading the Sagan's Demon Haunted World and the section dedicated to this "phenomenon". The self convincing and conviction to these events was pretty amazing to read about from a curiosity prospective. The letters he would receive were pretty far out there.

My matter of fact father swears late one night while grading logging roads in a remote area in the 70s, he saw a big bright light in the sky that he couldn't explain and it moved in ways he didn't expect.

Being out in the wilderness I'm sure it wasn't a comfortable situation for him. I still wonder what he saw but thankfully there was no accompanying abduction story to go with it in his case. These types of stories and shows did get his a attention forever after as a result.

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 62 points 3 months ago (11 children)

It's been said the pain of the bamboozle is too much for most to acknowledge so they continue to double down on it. The great grifters and conmen know this and use it to their advantage.

Many think it's only the stupid and uneducated that are taken in by these scams. At times it's the tribal nature that we can get caught up in.

Often the educated are worse off as they know better and the grave injury to their egos won't allow them to announce to others they have fallen victim as it's pretty embarrassing. They take their lumps and move on with their lives if they do recognize they have fallen into these traps.

It's going to be many years before we get to the other side and then I wonder if it will be like what the Spanish referred to as the Miracle that occurred when Franco died.

After decades in power, the citizens that fought for Franco and supported him ceased to exist. When asked everyone fought against Franco in the civil war and they secretly fought against him at every level of society, government, and the military. It was miracle how he came to power and won a war with no support from anyone at any level within Spain.

If we ever get past the identity association of team Orange it will be interesting who is found to still be supporting this current day madness especially among the religious groups that support a man that displays so many of the things many of the regular members would be chastised for...

[–] WashedOver@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 months ago

I recall a MASH episode involving this method and that's how I learned about it. Radar was trying to save the rabbit from the procedure.


A Pennsylvania man has been arrested after allegedly killing his father, before displaying his decapitated head in a gruesome YouTube video while spouting right-wing conspiracy theories...

In the YouTube video, which was titled "Mohn's Militia - Call To Arms For American Patriots" and is cited in a police complaint, Mohn is seen wearing gloves and holding his father's head in a plastic bag. Later, the head can be seen in a cooking pot.

Mohn says his father was a federal employee for 20 years and refers to him as a traitor,** calling for the death of all federal officials and attacking President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community and antifa activists**. YouTube removed the video, which is more than 14 minutes long, hours after it was posted.

Why must these red hat losers take down loved ones and others in their spiral down the Qanon rabbit hole? Will the Qanon grifters ever be held accountable for their roles for feeding these types with misinformation and radicalizing those that will go to these extremes just to sell the latest hat, tee-shirt, flag, subscription?

These grifters and the homegrown white terrorists are the real threats...


With a preventable measles outbreak in Philadelphia perhaps not...


After the explosion left Kerouac covered in human feces, urine and debris, he walked out of the men’s room seeking help from workers and the store’s manager, according to the lawsuit. An employee told him that they were aware of the “problem with the toilet” since there had been previous incidents, the lawsuit says, without diving into further details about the explosion.

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