[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 3 points 7 months ago

Yeah, that about hits my opinion, too.

"Israel has the right to defend itself", but their actions fly far in excess of defense at this point.

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

That's a giratina

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago

It was weird to realize that the books and movies were about different things

The movies are about the characters and their struggles to try and beat Sauron obviously

But the books got a lot more interesting when I started looking at them as the stories of a world and its history and the way that that world handled to coming and going of another dark lord. The threats he posed to peaceful places, the peace broken simply by his presence, and also the people and places legitimately above and outside Sauron's reach. The fact that Sam's star or Tom Bombadil would look at this great and terrible evil, the worst ever known to so many in the world, and to them it would be but another passing of an era, the opening of a new story dated to end like all the rest.

The scale and perspective of it all is just so dramatically different that I can't help but feel like reaching that perspective is half the journey for the reader.

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

You ask me, it's like the great quarantine to try and slow down covid

The idealists were hoping to stamp it out entirely but the reality was that covid was everywhere, and would inevitably become part of life. Quarantining served to make sure hospitals weren't overwhelmed (or rather, weren't MORE overwhelmed) until a vaccine could be made to try and get things under control

In the same vein, it makes sense to me to try and stifle AI stuff hopefully long enough to push for UBI and other social safety nets, so that when the lid comes completely off pandora's box, the damage to people's lives is mitigated and the benefits from the tech can be enjoyed in better conscience

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

Library of Ruina went nuts with its osts

One time they even patched the game just to buff a boss's music, not even the boss itself

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 3 points 10 months ago

Thanks for the explanation. Also helps clarify why it's taken so long for trials to begin - if every defendant can demand "trial within a few months or it's free", of course you'd spend years gathering evidence and perfecting your case beforehand, if you felt you could.

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

The dream would be that they manage to make their own glorious free & open source version, so that after a brief spike in corporate profit as they fire all their writers and artists, suddenly nobody needs those corps anymore because EVERYONE gets access to the same tools - if everyone has the ability to churn out massive content without hiring anyone, that theoretically favors those who never had the capital to hire people to begin with, far more than those who did the hiring.

Of course, this stance doesn't really have an answer for any of the other problems involved in the tech, not the least of which is that there's bigger issues at play than just "content".

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

Rising tide lifts all boats, so let's lift the biggest boats. That'll surely raise the tide.

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Pretty big question to analyze for a lemmy comment, but my take is it's as good a start as I could hope for, and even if it's wrong it's worth trying just to learn what happens

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

I didn't understand a lot of those terms so you're probably smart enough for me to trust you, thanks for helping assuage my fears

[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I'm expecting a much messier "resolution" that'll look a lot like YouTube's copyright situation - their product can be used for copyright infringement, and they'll be required by law to try and take appropriate measures to prevent it, but will otherwise not be held liable as long as they can claim such measures are being taken.

Having an AI recite a long text to bypass copyright seems equivalent in my mind to uploading a full movie to youtube. In both cases, some amount of moderation (itself increasingly algorithmic) is required to not only be applied, but actively developed and advanced to flout efforts to bypass it. For instance, youtube pirates will upload things with some superficial changes like a filter applied or showing the movie on a weird angle or mirrored to bypass copyright bots, which means the bots need to be more strict and better trained, or else youtube once again becomes liable for knowing about these pirates and not stopping them.

The end result, just like with youtube, will probably be that AI models have to have big, clunky algorithms applied against their outputs to recalculate or otherwise make copyright-safe anything that might remotely be an infringement. It'll suck for normal users, pirates will still dig for ways to bypass it, and everyone will be unhappy. If youtube is any indicator, this situation can somehow remain stable for over a decade - long enough for AI devs to release a new-generation bot to restart the whole issue.


[-] Whimsical@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

"People are gonna notice the lack of original thoughts"

My gamer in christ we go to reddit and redditlike sites to avoid original thoughts

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