[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 34 points 1 day ago

Conservatives continue winning elections. Trump, of all people, actually became president. He has a non zero chance of being voted in again. Supreme Court is far right conservative. House of reps is republican controlled. Many Democrat elected officials are arguably, conservative.

This is the USA. This is who the conservatives are, and they win often.

Until the people show us by continually electing democrats to take the senate, house, and exec branch over and over and over again (not gonna happen), this type of shit is VERY USA.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 12 points 2 days ago

Does anybody think about the fact that every year on average 9-10 million people die every year from starvation and malnutrition related deaths. The vast majority of these numbers are children under 5 years old. The 9-10 million number was pre-covid. There was an uptick due to the supply chain issues. I think I read an article saying the number for 2021 was around 14 million. Again, mostly children.

It's mostly kids in 3rd world Africa, middle east, India, etc.

We over here need to have more kids though. Because profits.

Idk I just think all this is dumb. Fuck capitalism and the system we have. It's all fucked.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I dont think it's quite the same thing though. US contractors won't be fighting, I think they'll just be maintaining and repairing equipment.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 65 points 2 days ago

Seriously, who wants to bet these people were conservative republican voters, probably trump supporters. I'd also bet they were members/followers of the christian religion.

I dont care if I get downvoted. It's blatantly obvious there is a strong correlation between these types of people leaning conservative and christian, and it needs to be mentioned and talked about more often.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 23 points 2 days ago

Forever, they should go away Forever. Whether that's death or life in prison without parole, they should never be free, ever again.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Yep I was being dumb playing it safe behind the gravestones. Soon as I went up close got him on 2nd try

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Lol thanks, so easy. My dumbass kept trying to play it safe hiding behind Graves to block. As soon as I went up close I got him 2nd try with ruins greatsword.

submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

This DLC is absolutely amazing. Might even be better than the base game.

That being said, Jori is killing me. I can't barely get him down to 50%. Using my mimic tear of course. Without giving too much info on my build, most bosses so far haven't been bad. Renalla was hardest so far but only took 5-10 tries. I want this last map and must get through Jori to get it.

Harder than malenia imo.

I'm over leveled- in the 450s. NG+3 or 4.

Any recommendations on Jori?? Help!

I'm on XSX.


Harder than malenia imo

I'm an idiot.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

F all this nonsense. I plan to die of cancer or something way before that lol. WTF would I want to be 70 in this capitalist hellscape

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

I always wonder if this was by design. What I mean is, Biden and them knew it would most certainly fail in this way, yet it looks good during the election year because "at least he tried". I have no evidence for this, just tin foil hat speculation.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

I dont understand why the title of the article has to start with "black women...". It's just weird to me. Is it really specifically black women? Even if it is, how does that add to the content/subject? I don't get it. It's just fucking people, members of a neighborhood, mothers who care about their kids. Idk.

[-] Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world 23 points 3 days ago

I assume Arizona has rocks and bricks and stuff lying around somewhere


The group of scientists and researchers believes that, among the 80 kilometers of shelves that contain everything from handwritten papal notes to presidential missives, there is also a lot of relevant information about the UFO phenomenon.


The discovery of alien life could turbocharge religious division and hatred, the UK’s leading UFO expert has warned.

I think this idea is pretty legitimate. People in first world societies, with generally decent minimal education, will mostly be ok, maybe. We forget that a majority of the 8 billion people on the planet live in 3rd world conditions, significantly less or no education, and lots of severe religious indoctrination. There are still countries that execute people for apostasy.

We're not certain it would be all bad, but it's not a topic to dismiss. The possibility of societal disruption due to real disclosure resulting in any disruption to say, the economy, for whatever reasons, could be a reason the powers that be don't want to disclose. Maybe the risk is too great in their view. Just speculating obviously.


I haven't watched yet and dont know anything about Shawn Ryan, but this might be worth checking out for 2.5hrs of Tim Gallaudet.

submitted 2 months ago by Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world to c/uap@lemmy.world

Saw this on reddit. I still remain kind of skeptical but think all this is really interesting.

His comment that he has conversations where they're all saying the public "can't handle" whatever it is, is something I think about a lot.

With my cynacism i feel that we, the public, kind of are just cattle to the elites and super wealthy. Our purpose is to work and to buy stuff, which is the foundation to their wealth and power. Much better to keep us as dumb and ignorant as possible. Such a huge portion of the public is obsessed with celebrity gossip, sports, religious nonsense, etc.

A full disclosure that intelligent alien species exist and are here, would either be painful and debilitating to a large portion of people (fundamentalist religious people, the world over), or change other people to start thinking at a higher level other than just celebrity and sports shit, or how to get money to buy the next new gadget or token of status.

If people start thinking, we've been being lied to by those in power, what else is there? Why does Kim Kardashian deserve to be a billionaire, when millions of children die of starvation every year? Why does someone have to work 40hrs a week in a factory doing manual labor that could be easily automated by AI or robotics (because it's cheaper for the human to do it), etc., etc.

My comment might be tangent from the UFO topic, but it's what I think of why they don't want to disclose, or at least a possibility.

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