I admit pirating all what I need during the last 20 years... So what, they may want to jail me for that !?
Who and why they should seize it, all we're doing is discussion, we're doing nothing wrong.
Tant qu'il y aura pas d'alternatives publique avec un catalogue respectable ils voudront en profiter, d'ailleurs je ne comprends pas pourquoi les qq trackers publique ne postent pas des séries en hautes définitions, les films eux sont maxi en 1080p.
The one by scene group BTCR worth the try, you can get it from scnlog.
Google buffstreams and viprow
While you avoid risky files, like .exe/.cmd/.bat/.vbs etc, you should be safe, in the past Soulseek was known as music source, now it's used also for some other stuff like softwares, books, movies & tv shows.
gnula. nu para ver y descargar, bajalogratis solo descarga.
Instead of keep fighting, they tried to deal with FBI to avoid prison and extradition to the US...
Damn, imagine extrading a guy from a developing country to a prison in the U.S, unless it's a maximum security I think it should be better than my current life.