
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Alright, I have not tracked Elon's career and didn't feel like Googling.

So executives at PayPal are on vacation, and the world is making fun of Elon for buying it twice.

Thanks -- it does become funny for me as more time passes. Not so funny was the year Comcast signal was too weak to operate for 10 days over the Christmas holiday.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I have a long and special history with Comcast. My city has given them the sole monopoly cable contact. So -- I believe -- they are obligated to provide me service. The distance from pole to house is too long. No less than 3 service people have come out and said they have to put in a thicker cable like those used on the telephone poles. Nope -- the work order always disappears. Of course, they have to pretend they will eventually do something, because -- city monopoly.

Used a signal booster for a long time and that helped (I had to buy it) except at holidays when everyone was home. Then more people in the area got service -- dropping the signal.

After some years, T-Mobile 5G moved in and I happily dumped Comcast (monopoly only applies to cable).

There is more, but you get the idea.

Never give Comcast a monopoly on service. Even had me considering satellite Internet in the middle of the city at one point!

My wife has a 14-yr-old cat that she refers to as "my old man baby". The cat's mannerisms and age fit the name. That said, the phrase weirdly straddles a few categories in this discussion.

While is truly useful, eventually the bot repetition will yuck my yum.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Exactly. There are 3 to 10 solutions to every problem -- all of which worked for someone, 0 to 4 of which will work for you. Spend two hours, then role the dice and see if you got lucky.

If it did NOT work, was it stupid user error, wrong or incomplete directions, malfunctional software, or randomness in your particular unique machine configuration?

Or -- if you use Oracle's free VPS -- was it an undocumented incompatibility between the code and the unusual chipset they sometimes offer?

[–] 33 points 1 year ago (4 children)

My operating assumption here is that Reddit can collect more data to sell if people are logged in and use their app.

Does not matter if you destroy 75% of the usefulness of the system if the remaining 25% can be more effectively monetized.

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