[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 32 points 2 days ago

You can 100% get a clearance if you've smoked within 7 years of applying for one. Hell, you can get a clearance if you smoked within the last year. You just have to a) disclose the fact, b) be able to show mitigations as to why smoking weed won't be an issue while you have a clearance, and then c) not do it while you have a clearance. It ends up being not so much about the fact that you smoke weed as it is that you're not following the law, and that's the real clearance risk (from their POV). Getting a clearance is really about proving you're trustworthy to the investigator.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 42 points 2 months ago

See, it's all planned, because they then arrest the criminals and ship them right back to the front! So efficient!

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 68 points 3 months ago

EGS isn't any good on PC. What makes them think a workable console version is coming any time soon?

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 214 points 4 months ago

"Sooner or later this will end in agreement," was Putin's message, arguing that Nato was coming to realise that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be impossible.

Does Putin realize that NATO is effectively fighting Russia with both arms tied behind it's back right now? We're funding Ukraine (who are doing a phenomenal job, fwiw), but we're not even giving them the top of the line hardware. If the US actually got involved, Russia would pretty much instantly lose any glimmer of air superiority they have, and Ukraine could advance all the way to Moscow under NATO air cover. Like, the only reason Russia still exists is because NATO hasn't even tried to fight Russia on the battlefield yet.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 89 points 5 months ago

Dear god this reads like a stroke


There are so many gems in this one, least of which are the bathrooms.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 57 points 7 months ago

The really funny part of this whole thing is that I never knew about the rumor you mentioned until this whole thing happened. Streisand effect much?

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 62 points 7 months ago

Not in my opinion. One thing the tapes also show is the layout of the capitol building, and (to a certain extent) what the response to the insurrection looked like. These are two valuable pieces of information for the next time they try this.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 54 points 7 months ago

No, they sail her around all the time. The USS Constitution is a commissioned vessel in the United States Navy, crewed by active duty sailors. They use the term "afloat" because HMS Victory is the oldest commissioned naval vessel, but she is kept as a museum ship in drydock.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 56 points 8 months ago

My dad had a double lung transplant several months ago...we were told by his transplant team that, with transplants, rejection is a "when", not an "if". However, if caught early enough, the docs can do an incredible amount to combat rejection.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 81 points 8 months ago

Basically, DoD schools benefit from a high level of funding, strong and consistent leadership, and a focus on across-the-board improvement. Now when can we roll this same attitude and funding out to all the public schools in this country?

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 58 points 8 months ago

The US Federal Government offers 13 paid sick days a year (that rollover indefinitely)...and between 13 and 26 vacation days (depending on service time)...and all federal holidays off paid. It's not quite on the level of Europe, but it's a damn sight better than most of the rest of the country.

[-] ZapBeebz_@lemmy.world 51 points 11 months ago

It's also worth, I think, pointing out that, for example, Lincoln has the 6th (I think) most recalled model as well as (again, I think) the second to least recalled model. So it shows that, in a lot of cases, it really depends on the model of the car rather than the manufacturer.

Except Tesla. 100% of Teslas current lineup is in the top 5.

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