[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 1 points 8 hours ago

I'm kinda stupid. I've seen these but they always show pictures within the distribution box. Here only certified electricians are allowed to open them. But I totally didn't saw the option to just clamp it on a wire outside the box. I even asked Bing AI for help, because not everyone must sell on Amazon and Google Search just spits out the affiliate link sites, that suggests always the same popular options. 90% of the time switchable plugs.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Still switchable? Man I wish there would be a pure power meter plug available, with no switching ability. I would plug them into a lot of things. I know you could measure the whole power usage of a line or your home but that requires the right equipment (power meter) or an electrician to install it

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

Its not about knowing everything. You can know a lot but don't have the skills. Cisco doesn't make cheap products and screwing it up, it not good. Especially it can be easily done at the factory. Its not like it would cost them much more. I can get a holder for like 0.50 to 1€ per piece. There you must subtract 19% VAT and think in bigger quantities. On a per device basis, its not adding much.

They do this, because it adds up and they can save a lot of money. They make more money when a customer pays for a replacement or when a customer screw things up and needs to buy a new device. Its not something companies should be allowed to do. Also it would be even better if we don't need to tell companies what they should do and they do it themselves. In fact a lot do this, because it doesn't add much to the total cost of one device, but it makes the product better.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

Also ein Durchmesser von 31,83km, in der Annahme dass es ein Kreis und keine Ellipse ist.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 7 points 2 months ago

When you know how rockets and jet engines work, because someone explained it to you but nobody explained how car works, people might just apply that knowledge to cars.

People expect that others are born with knowledge or that it magically appears in their brains. Its not that op is retarded, its his parents that forgot to teach his son some basic stuff. When I see memes with how bad the current generation is, they forget its not the fault of the generation, its the fault of the parents. When they don't teach their children that, how should they do it?

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 32 points 3 months ago

Kein Witz, so ähnlich sah es bei einem Kollegen von mir aus. Als guter Freund habe ich ihm Aufräumen geholfen. Depressionen und so. Der komplette Boden war mit Zeug voll und man musste sich erst mit dem Fuß eine freie Fläche zum hintreten frei machen. Ich hab auf dem Boden gepennt, neben Müll. Beim Aufräumen habe ich eine Alditüte entdeckt, mit TK Essen und auf dem Kassenbon stand, dass es da seit nem halben Jahr lag. Ja der war Einkaufen und hat dann sein Essen nicht mehr gefunden. Übrigens ich war noch nie so froh duschen zu können.

Aber ernsthaft: wenn ihr eine solche Situation vorfindet, hat die Person Probleme. Ich kann da jetzt kein perfekten Plan geben, wie man reagieren sollte, aber da ich selber betroffen war und ein Kollege von mir auch, kann ich sagen, man sollte die Person unterstützen und auch durchaus aufzwingen und so tun als ob es einen nicht stört. Jemanden zum Profi zerren ist die falsche Option. Hilfe muss man wollen und wenn man sie nicht will, würde es eher passieren, dass man den Kontakt zu der Person verliert.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 38 points 4 months ago

Except no. First issue it's messured wrong. You messure a full package and then an empty one in the factory. Losses during shipping and so on is the problem of the customer. Especially meat looses a lot of water. People don't weigh the water in the cloth.

Also the little e (estimated sign, 76/211/EEC) besides the package does specially allow variations. Only the entire batch must be correct on average. But there is a limit on how much variations is allowed. And big companies are closely watched.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 37 points 5 months ago

I program like I learned it? I use my German QWERTZ layout. A lot of keys are different, yes, but I grew up with this layout and I'm used to it. Imagine giving me a US QWERTY layout and I would misstype every time. I even hate it when Windows swtiches my keyboard layout, even though I removed the shortcuts to it and I misstype constantly. Heck even Visual Studio switched my shortcuts and it sucked.

After some time I realized that (Game) Devs suck, because they forget that other layouts exist. Its not a big deal, but at some point I realized that the Chats on T, Y, U makes much more sense on a QWERTY Layout. Also Markdown with ` kinda sucks. For a codeblock, I need to hold shift and press the key that is left of backspace 3 times and then one space, because when I press it once, nothing happens but pressing it a second time, 2 appear. Pressing space let it appear directly. Or I type 4 and remove one.

But this it what I'm used to. And if I ever would work outside Germany, I will bring my own QWERTZ keyboard and require them to install the German Keyboard. I don't need a German UI. I have all programming related software in English, because its easier to google stuff.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 23 points 5 months ago

I find the video from LTT kinda hilarious with the 96 core threadripper. Breaking records in cinebench but Cities Skylines 2 still runs like shit (in a 1mio pop city).

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 6 points 5 months ago

Audible + OpenAudible. OpenAudible does "stuff" and you end up with audio files, that you can listen on most devices. Don't know and care how they do this. Its not free but so is Audible.

When you have an active Audible subscription, you also have access to free Audiobooks. You can download and convert them too. But be aware, that Audible is rate limited. Had downloaded a ton of free audiobooks and after a short limit (maybe 1 hour), I got a long limit for around 24 hours. But I still use Audible. I just have it as a backup and this way I can give my family access to the books I have. But so far my mother only listen to the ones I got for free. I like Science Fiction a lot but my mother not.

A college who I recommended Audiobookshelf, has a subscription from a German only site (Thalia), where apparently the Audiobooks can be downloaded as MP3s. So far I prefer Audible, even with DRM, just because the availability. Not all books I listen to, are available on that site or much later.

[-] ZeldaFreak@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago

Ich frage mich ob das ganze auch geheimer geht. Ich will ja nicht gleich meinen Server zeigen und ggf. für irgendwas rechtfertigen müssen. So nach dem Motto warum man Instanz XY verknüpft hat bzw. warum man XY nicht blockiert hat, weil die was ganz böses macht und man selber keinen Plan hat, weil man die sich nie angeguckt hat.

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