
joined 3 weeks ago
[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

Shout out to the SquaredCircle community in this regard. The moderators there do a fantastic job of making the place seem worthwhile to participate in. Even if it's just the same two moderators working over time to make people feel welcome, it's nice that I can go there and be the only one commenting on the least popular wrestling promotion and still get responses and feedback. And it makes me feel like going back again and again.

In comparison, there's other communities with a sea of posts with no upvotes getting posted daily. But no interaction. And if you do, no one gives a shit or is going to interact with you anyway. And the way I see it, the first 'fans' in any community should be the moderators. They should be encouraging discussion instead of just dumping links to 20 articles a day.

While it's nice to have certain spaces to dump your thoughts on the TV show that you just watched or whatever, when there's zero activity and no other fans, it just makes you think that there must be a better community somewhere else, maybe on another platform.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I made a post the other day expressing disappointment with these movies vs. how Sonic is portrayed in the games and other adaptations. But I have to say, one thing I'm looking forward to them getting absolutely wrong in Sonic 4 is Amy Rose. The way I see it, the only way to do Amy Rose right is to go against the source material because Sega doesn't give a flying fuck about Amy Rose and they've flip flopped so much on if she should be a hero or just a ~~follower~~ stalker.

The three Roses were probably the best part of Sonic Prime. So I'm looking forward to an actual badass version of her on the big screen.

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago

First two episodes of Harley Quinn season 5. Feels like I've been waiting forever for it to come back, then I missed its premiere.

Might actually save up episodes to binge later at this point, if I can stop myself when a new episode comes out. The one thing that made the fact that it's only 20 minutes a week more bearable was a community that spent all week talking about it in between. And this place is like 80% politics, 19.9% memes and 0.1% everything else, including discussion of TV shows (and I'm starting to miss it tbh).

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I saw people complaining about this a bit in another thread but honestly, based on what I've seen and read, this is very on brand for a comic book reboot. So in a way, it means the DCU is already starting off comic book accurate.

It sounds complicated but really it's not. Basically the entire thing is reset but they still might pluck a few small details here and there. If they reference it, it happened. If they don't, it didn't.

We might get DCEU Blue Beetle in the DCU (which I really wouldn't mind) but that was a self contained story. But don't expect the same Aquaman or Wonder Woman, because their stories are all over the DCEU.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I wish that I existed in the better timeline where after Fear Factor was over, this guy went on to sell vacuum cleaners on infomercials where he belongs instead of being some sort of political talking head. I mean, what the fuck.

I joked about this once, but I'm starting to think that if the Democrats want to win the people over, they need to get that guy who hosted Survivor to run for president, and get Guy Fieri to run a podcast to get all the kids onboard. The USA might not trust politicians or science or education anymore but they sure as hell trust '00s era reality TV stars.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

I too tried Voat way back in the day, part of a small Reddit exodus when they were removing Snowden articles in worldnews without explanation (back when the user base of Reddit still cared about moderator transparency), and I learnt quickly that if a platform advertises itself as "censorship free" or something along those lines, what they really mean is "we thrive on hate speech here."

And after a few more years of checking out Reddit alternatives, I started to realise that basically all of them were "censorship free" and tailor made for trolls and bigots from banned Reddit communities like fatpeoplehate and jailbait.

By the time I heard about Lemmy, even though I didn't get the impression that it was just another Voat, I was also kinda disillusioned about ever finding a good Reddit alternative at that point. So I didn't bother trying.

And it has been a very pleasant surprise to find out how left wing it is here. That reputation is actually what made me try Bluesky before coming here and if I had known, I would've come here sooner. Finally an alternative that isn't just r/conservative - the website. And not just that, a platform that isn't full of 'centrists' that spend more time worrying about making sure the left wingers don't swear too much, then worrying about the right wingers taking people's rights away.

[–] 14 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Honestly I'm gonna go against what people usually say and say that Arch is better to start with than Ubuntu, as long as you're not afraid of command line or editing txt files. Whether it's Arch or Ubuntu, as a noob you're going to be doing a lot of wiki reading and copying and pasting of commands.

Personally though, a big difference between the two I found is that after a couple of years of copying and pasting commands in Ubuntu, I still didn't really understand anything about how Linux works behind the scenes. Whereas Arch had me feeling like I too could be a sysadmin, if I felt like it, within a week.

And maybe things are different these days with Ubuntu, it's been a few years, but I find that Arch has a way more enthusiastic and helpful user base. And the Arch wiki is practically a bible. Whereas searching for problems and solutions in Ubuntu can feel a bit like searching for problems and solutions in Windows, where you'll probably get copy pasted generic solutions or someone telling you to restart your PC.

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Both flags at the same time.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I'm 100% with you here. People that actually care about human rights would've fought for those rights for their neighbours and mothers and sisters and daughters. You don't get to say that "Trump and Biden are the same" and get to say that you care about human rights too. Because clearly you don't give a shit about anyone in the LGBTQ+ community that is going to live a life of hell now under Trump. Not to mention women having their rights taken away too.

These people just need to admit to themselves and everyone else that the only 'human rights' they give a shit about are their own. Their protest vote or lack thereof was completely fucking meaningless. And so instead of helping people that it's actually possible for them to help, they decided to help no one. Like selfish fucking children that only care about themselves.

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Trump: "Hannibal Lecter is a fine man." jerks off two dicks

Trump supporters: "😍😍 He's gonna fix the economy and make America great again!"

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It would be cool if the massive and influential conspiracy crowd that you guys have there would ever pick up and run with anything painting the right wing in a bad light, to the same extent they get excited about secret pizza messages. Almost as if the whole conspiracy theorist scene is manufactured and controlled by firestarters that thank all of the dumb pieces of shit for their gullibility and for looking the other way whenever it looks like the conspiracy might be coming from inside the building.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Didn't even realise this was back and it makes me realise that I'm already falling out of touch with this shit without Reddit. Glad I came across this community to remind me. To say that I say, fuck yeah.

  • Pretty glad that they're mostly just glossing over everything from last season, and the change to Metropolis is just what was needed too
  • Love the implication that people think Superman and Clark Kent secretly have a love affair going on behind Lois' back
  • I'm game for Brainiac being the end villain here and game for more Harley Quinn and Superman working together
  • Fucking stoked that it seems like this season is going to be very Poison Ivy heavy. Looking forward to seeing how this Woodrue thing plays out.

Edit 3 hours later: Ok, what the fuck do I do with my life now that only two episodes of this are out so far? The only thing I hate about this show and Kiteman is waiting for another 20 minutes once a week. And this is gonna especially suck with no one ever discussing TV shows and shit around here.

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