
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 1 year ago

If it's a small edit to a single file VScode is often quicker, but if it's actually working with or developing changes in a larger codebase I find that a well integrated IDE instead of a more basic editor with plugins works better

[–] 17 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It's weird, but I quite often sit on calls watching people who use VSCode taking 2-3 times as long to accomplish the same outcome as I can in my Jetbrains IDE. Either they don't have the plugin installed rn, or it's not working atm, or they have too many and it's gotten slow, etc.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I'd love to have understood any of your funny words magic man.. eli5?

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Then write your own guide, show them wrong?

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

Preferably the latter, nobody should really be using SHA1 for anything security focused and new

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

That's not why port forwarding is important. Port forwarding is needed so that fresh peers can communicate with you and join the swarm. That act has the side-effect of speeding up transfers by allowing more people into the swarm spreading the transfer across more potential seeds/peers

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Assuming I'm remembering correctly, they're both very similar. To the point that they're basically the same concept by different sources and therefore have some wiggle in interpretation

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Developing for Lemmy or developing in general?

If you've only been developing for 3 years then you're not much beyond a junior. Nobody (least of all yourself) should expect you to be able to just sit down and grok a rust codebase using actix.

What you appear to be lacking right now is patience and experience. They both come with time.

[–] 7 points 1 year ago (2 children)

The hexagonal architecture or onion architecture is oversimplified as having everything bolt onto a core of business logic via designed and designated interfaces to abstract away implementation details on either side.

Say you have a web app which takes requests from the outside world and based on those requests it performs some business logic (tracking accounts, orders, etc).

In hexagonal architecture you'd maybe implement such a thing like:

Web app handler -> command interface -> message bus -> command handler (business logic) -> repository interface -> repository (Postgres, mongo, memory, email)

What this lets you do is split apart the app at the interfaces into separate modules which can be reasoned about and tested separately.

End of the day you don't care what is happening on the other side of the interface as long as whatever it is follows the interface specification.

Building applications like this meants that if we wanted to extend our app with an API and a Real-time Websocket service, we can (usually) just write a handler to turn that request into a command for the command interface and be done with it.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I mean if you could point to anything remotely as easy to use and functional as discord then this joke makes way more sense.

All you need to do is take a look at the working versions of these apps (slack, teams, etc) at some of the main features to see how crap the competition really is.